Why is Mutant Beasts Mod 1.16.5 so funny and helpful?

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4.6/5 - (163 votes)

Mutant Beasts Mod 1.16.5/1.15.2 may not be an unfamiliar term with every pro-gamer in the world of Minecraft. After 4 years not being updated, this comeback of Mutant Beasts will make users surprised and satisfied at the same time. Its new features will turn your monsters into a nightmare to your enemies.

Thus, you can easily defeat them with just a click. What’s more? Let’s learn more about it in the article below.

Mutant Beasts Mod

Why is Mutant Beasts Mod 1.16.5/1.15.2 so interesting and helpful?

Mutant Beasts Mod is the latest version of this super mod. It is created to be well integrated into modern Minecraft. If the original mod needs some other mods such as AnimationAPI to work, this new version does not require anything. It is because it includes everything you need to kill the spawns, which is so convenient!
The author of the game aims to create a mod with no game-breaking bugs. That is the reason why Mutant Beasts are born. If you reload your existing world with this mod, you will receive the message from the game telling ForgeModLoader. But don’t worry; click yes to continue your game.

The author of the game aims to create a mod with no game-breaking bugs. That is the reason why Mutan Beasts is born

The author of the game aims to create a mod with no game-breaking bugs. That is the reason why Mutant Beasts are born

The Mutant Beasts is ideal for bringing back the mythical mutant creatures of the same-name mod to Minecraft. Thanks to Mutant Beasts, you can now easily see each other’s faces with some mythical creatures like the Mutant Snow Golem, the Mutant Creeper, the Mutant Enderman, the Mutant Zombie, and the Mutant Skeleton.

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Once setting up the Mutant Beasts 1.16.5/1.15.2, you will see some creatures with a strange mutation, which enables them to change into beings of great power as well as great dimensions. Moreover, you can also use “Chemical X” to convert the game’s hostile entities into their mutant versions like zombies, skeletons, and so on.

The Mutant Beasts is ideal for bringing back the mythical mutant creatures of the same-name mod to Minecraft

The Mutant Beasts is ideal for bringing back the mythical mutant creatures of the same-name mod to Minecraft

Some notes for playing with Mutant Beasts Mod 1.16.5/1.15.2
You may feel confused at first when having downloaded Mutant Beasts to play. So here is our advice:

  • Before shooting, Mutant Skeletons will render their crossbow’s arrow.
  • If you own a dead Mutant Snow Golem, you will receive a death message. Please don’t care about the name tag above because it is not its real name.
  • You will receive a death message from Tamed Creeper Minions when it explodes, and this will only happen 1 time
  • You can cause a crash if you fix the throwable blocks.
  • You can disconnect other gamers when using a hulk hammer.
Mutant beasts mod creeper egg:

Wiki: https://ftb.gamepedia.com/Mutant_Creatures

In short, Mutant Beasts Mod 1.16.3/1.15.2 is truly an excellent mod for Minecraft. It is super easy and understandable to play. Even if you face any problems, you can directly contact to the supporting team. Then, everything will be solved in the shortest time.

New mobs:

  • Creeper Monster
  • Huge zombie
  • Snow Golem Mutant
  • Snow Golem Mutant
  • Altered Enderman

Interesting Facts:

  1. While mobs do not appear naturally in the world, however, they can be summoned using commands. To get a list of commands, you can use the /help command.
  2. New mobs can fight each other.
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How to install:

How to Use Forge to Install Minecraft Mods (Client Side)

How To Install The Fabric Mod Loader After Downloading It

The newest Minecraft Mods are available right now.

Mutant Beasts Mod for Minecraft 1.12.2=>1.16.3 Download Links:

For Minecraft 1.12.2

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For Minecraft 1.14.4

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For Minecraft 1.15.2

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For Minecraft 1.16.1

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For Minecraft 1.16.3

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For Minecraft 1.16.4

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For Minecraft 1.16.5

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Author: Chumbanotz, shcott21, thehippomaster21  ❘ Rating: 4.67 − 221 votes – 221,284 views

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Wminecraft is an Minecraft player and Mod review. She's working on Minecraft for the past 8 years and wanted to share the news related to this game.