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Those playing Minecraft for a long time might not be strange with custom NPCs mod; however, for the beginners, this phrase can be a bit difficult to understand. Custom NPCs is a mode used to create your own adventure on Minecraft. Featuring different tools, the mod can help to change their health, strength, weapon, skin and AI.
This mod allows you to add custom NPC’s to your world, it is mainly aimed at creative players who want more interactive worlds.
Incredible features
The custom NPCs mod has always been updated new items and features, aiming at bringing the best entertaining time to users. The mod mainly works for a single player but multiplayer is also enabled. Using the tools in the mod, you can create new NPCs, mob spawners and copy them if you like. The rest items are often used for aesthetic purposes. The custom NPCs mod now includes extra features, including factions, roles, jobs, dialogues and a quest system.

Custom NPCs mod has many new features
Relative Post:
Millenaire Mod 1.12.2,1.8.9 and 1.7.10 – NPC villages to Minecraft
SimpleOres Mod 1.16.5-1.15.2 for Minecraft – 5 more new ores
Techguns Mod 1.12.2 – New battlefield experience with Techguns mod
Custom NPCs Crafting Recipes:
In the global -> recipes you can create and delete recipes.
Now with custom NPCs mod, you can remove NPC wand recipe or create new recipes for different items. Here are guidelines to start with new items:
NPC Wand
- To spawn an NPC, right-click the ground with the NPC wand
- To edit the NPC wand, right-click the ground with the NPC wand
- To get nearby NPCs and freeze all NPCs, right-click into the air
NPC Cloner
To bring up the Cloning Save Menu, right-click an NPC while holding the NPC Cloner
- Click a shot to store the NPC
- To bring up the Cloning Load Menu, right-click the ground
- To spawn a copy of it, click on the slot
Mob spawner
- Make is much easier to spawn all the mobs
- Mob spawners of the mobs are available
Redstone block
- When you get into the on the range, it will turn on
- Going out of the range, it will turn off
- Right-click it with the NPC wands to edit the settings
- If you have not done a certain request to read a certain dialog, it can be set up to only turn on
Waypoint block
This is used for location quests. Placing a waypoint down, give it the same name as the one in the location quest
Carpentry bench
The bench is used for recipes from the global and find recipes menu

Carpentry bench
Extra items
The extra items are aimed at dressing up your nps or for quests. Most of them are quite simple and some of them actually work for players.
More things mean more experiences playing the game when there are custom NPCs mod:
Dagger, spear, battleaxe, mace, glaive, scythe trident
Most parts are enchantable. The bronze variant produces the same amount of damage as the iron one; however, is less durable.
Guns and bullets
Click right mouse button to pull the trigger. The gun’s type depends on how far can you shoot. Guns can shoot their ammo of less quality wood.
The base damage for guns are 2,5 hearts. The damage added to that is (gun material + bullet material) / 2. So a wood gun with wood bullets does 2,5 damage, a stone gun with wood bullits does 2,5 damage an stone gun with stone bullets does 3 damage. Wood = 0, Stone = 0.5, Gold = 0.5, Bronze&Iron = 1, Diamond = 1.5, Emerald = 2
Machine gun
If you want to shoot black bullets in rapid session, you can hold the right-click. Once shooting those 8 bullets, you might, hold right-click again to reload. If you are shot, you will lose 2 hearts of damage. The other items include staff, nana and shields.
(Elemental) Staffs and mana
The different types of staffs have different ‘casting’ time the elemental and iron staffs are basically the same. Holding the right mouse button will start charging. If you have mana in your inventory it will create a ‘magical’ projectile. The moment you release the right mouse button it will launch it.
The base damage for the projectiles is 3 + random 0-2 + Material type damage.
Normal shields and round shields are the same. Heater, Tower, Cryscent and Scutum are the same as iron. Holding right mouse button while holding a shield will make the shield absorb all the damage.
If you are a Minecraft lover, you should install custom NPCs immediately to make your Minecraft your own world.
How to install:
How to Use Forge to Install Minecraft Mods (Client Side)
How To Install The Fabric Mod Loader After Downloading It
The newest Minecraft Mods are available right now.
Custom NPCs 1.16.3-1.15.2-1.12.2-1.7.10 Download Links:
Minecraft version 1.5.2:
Minecraft version 1.6.2/1.6.4:
Minecraft version 1.7.2:
Minecraft version 1.7.10:
Minecraft version 1.8.0:
Minecraft version 1.8.9:
Minecraft version 1.10.2:
Minecraft version 1.11:
Minecraft version 1.11.2:
Minecraft version 1.12:
Minecraft version 1.12.2: