Sildurs Shaders Mod 1.19.2, 1.18.2 Graphics Minecraft

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As you know, the original Minecraft has quite normal graphics if not bad, and looks like a game for kids. And to meet the increasing aesthetic needs of the Miner community around the world, more and more beautiful and quality Shaders are born.

Of course, everything has its price, beauty, and quality often go hand in hand with expensive, and the Shaders Mod too, the more glittering one requires the more configured computer. But the problem worth mentioning here is that most Minecraft players are usually still in school and being able to own a great PC is quite rare (except for rich or working friends). Therefore, in this article, I will review the features of the most beautiful, lightest Shader – Sildurs Shaders Mod.

Sildur’s Shaders Mod

Sildur’s Shaders Mod 1.16.5-1.14.4-1.12.2

Moving on to the shaders itself, this shaders pack gives the game a ton of new graphic features, ranging from straightforward ones to sophisticated ones. This bundle firstly includes dynamic lighting and shadows. In the original version of Minecraft, light appears to be a binary function: either it exists or it doesn’t. While the game’s brightness and color are undoubtedly getting better, none of them appear to fully explore the potential that lighting may have in Minecraft. This mod transforms a dull torchlight into a comforting radiance, delving further into the various impacts that something as basic as light may have. Another element that this mod does justice to is sunlight. The sun is brilliant and energizing during high noon. The game seems to have gained a slight hint of flare, which gives it a more cinematic air. By the end of the day, the sky isn’t just becoming orange; it actually looks like a sunset. The surrounding clouds have the same hues, and the change from the sky’s blue to the sunset’s orange tint is evident.

Another element that this shaders set plays with is water. These shaders alter the appearance of water from its conventional appearance to one that is more enigmatic and lovely, much like actual bodies of water do. In the game, a small pond can appear to be a sparkling watering hole, while a vast ocean might feel more like an uncharted, terrifying abyss. The most recent significant update to vanilla brought a ton of features to Minecraft’s aquatic realm, and this shaders pack beautifully complements those improvements.

Last but not least, some effects can be turned on or off. It is occasionally beneficial for the framerate to disable particular effects, even when these shaders add tremendous realism to the game’s natural effects. Slidurs’ Shaders complement the high level of accessibility this shaders pack has to provide because they integrate the numerous diverse software and hardware builds that users have.

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SFLP Shaders for Minecraft (Shaders for Low End PC’s)

The salient features of Sildurs Shaders Mod 1.16.5,1.14.4 and 1.12.2

A lot of players complain about the colors and lighting in Minecraft, that’s why we need Sildurs Shaders Mod to improve visual effects in the game. That’s thanks to its 3 outstanding features.

Vibrant Shaders

This is the feature that helps the Minecraft game have the most effects, and is also heavy and requires the highest configuration. Some outstanding effects such as realistic light shadow, moonlight or sunlight ray, bloom effect, tree leaves and motion, water surface move and reflect the realistic image.

Enhanced Default

Enhanced Default is a feature for PCs with “light” configuration, but in return will cut some effects, leaving only shadow effects, adjusting game colors to yellow tones, leaf effects, trees and grass, water surface…

Basic Shaders

This is a feature that is considered very “basic”, only the color of the game is balanced in yellow tones and in addition there may be some special effects such as acid, world curvature, dof,… suitability for players who want to explore the world in a way “weird than others”.

The interesting experiences when playing

Sildur’s Shaders Mod adds light, shadow, grass and water to Minecraft game, unlike other shader packs, Sildur’s Shaders Mod is designed to be compatible with most computer graphics cards, including  both Mac and Windows and offers a great experience.

The shadow effect brought by Sildur’s Shaders Mod is quite effective in real-time, creating a more natural light, reflecting trees, water surface as in real life. If it rains, the earth’s surface becomes wet and reflects the water’s light.

Like Chocopic 13, Sildur also has a very “basic” mode, only the color of the game is rebalanced to yellow tones and in addition can have some special effects such as acid, world curvature, dof… The mode is suitable for players who want to explore the world in a “weird” way than others.

Above are the special features of Sildurs Shaders Mod that help you have an interesting experience while playing Minecraft. Hopefully, this article helps you better understand Sildurs Shaders Mod.


Vibrant Shaders:

  • Pretty much everything you need, this is the main shader pack and has the most effects etc.

Enhanced Default:

  • Default Sun path (Can be changed ingame to sun path of vibrant shaders, if using optifine for 1.8.x)
  • Cross processing (Can be disabled ingame if using optifine for 1.8.x, if disabled colors will look the same as default MC)
  • Shadows (Can be tweaked ingame if using optifine for 1.8.x)
  • Water reflections from Vibrant shaders mixed with default MC texture. (See screenshots)
  • Work somewhat with stained glass/transparency (water reflections currently wont show up if looking through it)

Basic Shaders:

  • Cross processing (Different colors, see screenshots.)
  • Motion blur
  • Depth of Field


Important informations:


Reflections are mostly stored in composite1.fsh. Currently there's only water reflections.
Other kind of reflections(specular mapping) will return together with Parallax mapping at some point.


Basic shaders should work on pretty much every system.
Vibrant shaders supports almost all GPUs sometimes you have to update your drivers if you run into issues.
Especially Intel HD gpus require the latest drivers provided by intel or else shaders might not work.


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Enable or Disable an effect

*Note, newer optifine versions for 1.8.9+ with the inbuild shadersmod allow you to enable or disable effects ingame while playing.
Just go to: options => video settings => shaders => pick a shader from the list => shader options.
To enable an effect, remove the 2 slashes (//) infront of something like:
//#define Bloom => #define Bloom
To disable something add 2 slashes (//) infront of something like that:
#define Bloom => //#define Bloom

Where can I find more or other effects?

Most effects are stored in final.fsh, some in composite.fsh.
Reflections can be found in composite1.fsh.
Waving objects can be found in gbuffers_terrain.vsh.


Minecraft Forge

Optifine HD

GLSL Shaders Mod

How to install:

  1. Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge, Optifine, and GLSL Shaders Mod.
  2. Locate the Minecraft application folder.
    • On windows open Run from the Start menu, type %appdata% and click Run.
    • On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
  3. Place the mod you have just downloaded (.zip file) into the .minecraft/shaderpacks/ folder.
  4. When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.

Minecraft Forge (Modding API) Installation Guide

5 steps to successfully install Forge Minecraft

1. Access and Download select Minecraft forge version, then download the installer.

2. Requires installing Java on a computer. Open the .jar file you just downloaded, make sure ‘Install Client’ is selected, and click the OK button.

3. Run Minecraft and select the Forge profile, then click Play.

4. Select the Minecraft Forge menu on the left and the Mods button below Multiplayer.

5. Successfully, you can enjoy the mod just installed.

Download Links 1.19.2, 1.18.2:

Sildurs Basic Shaders:

For All Versions from Minecraft 1.7.10 to Minecraft 1.19.2, 1.19

Sildur’s Basic Shaders Fancy: Download from Server 

Sildur’s Basic Shaders MB: Download from Server 

Sildur’s Basic Shaders DoF: Download from Server 

Sildur’s Basic Shaders Fast: Download from Server 

For Minecraft 1.12.2 to 1.16.5 and Below

Enhanced Default:

Sildur’s Enhanced Default v1.031

Link Download :


Sildur’s Enhanced Default v1.0.0 For Minecraft 1.7.10 and below

Link Download :


Basic Shaders:

Sildur’s Basic Shaders Regular

Link Download :


Sildur’s Basic Shaders Motion Blur

Link Download :


Sildur’s Basic Shaders DoF

Link Download :


Sildur’s Basic shaders World curvature

Link Download :


Sildur’s Basic Shaders ACID Incomatible with MacOS

Link Download :


Vibrant Shaders: (Working for All Versions of Minecraft – Recommended)

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Sildur’s Vibrant Shaders Lite Recommended for Intel cards and weak systems

Link Download :


Sildur’s Vibrant Shaders Medium Recommended for recording or older PCs

Link Download :


Sildur’s Vibrant Shaders High Lowest: 65fps Average: 85fps Highest: 110fps – GTX960@1080p view dist: 12

Link Download :


Sildur’s Vibrant Shaders High-MotionBlur

Link Download :


Sildur’s Vibrant Shaders Extreme Lowest: 55fps Average: 70fps Highest: 85fps – GTX960@1080p view dist: 12

Link Download :


Sildur’s Vibrant Shaders Extreme-Volumetric lighting 65-85fps on a GTX960@1080p

Link Download :



Sildur’s Vibrant Shaders Lite Recommended for Intel cards and weak systems

Link Download :


Sildur’s Vibrant Shaders Medium Recommended for recording or older PCs

Link Download :


Sildur’s Vibrant Shaders High Lowest: 65fps Average: 85fps Highest: 110fps – GTX960@1080p view dist: 12

Link Download :


Sildur’s Vibrant Shaders High-MotionBlur

Link Download :


Sildur’s Vibrant Shaders Extreme Lowest: 55fps Average: 70fps Highest: 85fps – GTX960@1080p view dist: 12

Link Download :


Sildur’s Vibrant Shaders Extreme-Volumetric lighting 65-85fps on a GTX960@1080p

Link Download :



For Minecraft 1.13.2 and Below

Enhanced Default:

For Minecraft 1.14.4 and Below

Version 1.23

Vibrant Shaders: (Working for All Versions of Minecraft – Recommended)

Sildur’s Vibrant Shaders Lite Recommended for Intel cards and weak systems

Link Download :


Sildur’s Vibrant Shaders Medium Recommended for recording or older PCs

Link Download :


Sildur’s Vibrant Shaders High Lowest: 65fps Average: 85fps Highest: 110fps – GTX960@1080p view dist: 12

Link Download :


Sildur’s Vibrant Shaders High-MotionBlur

Link Download :


Sildur’s Vibrant Shaders Extreme Lowest: 55fps Average: 70fps Highest: 85fps – GTX960@1080p view dist: 12

Link Download :


Sildur’s Vibrant Shaders Extreme-Volumetric lighting 65-85fps on a GTX960@1080p

Link Download :


Sildur’s Enhanced Default v1.09

Link Download :


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About Author

Wminecraft is an Minecraft player and Mod review. She's working on Minecraft for the past 8 years and wanted to share the news related to this game.