Reusable Rockets for Minecraft 1.16.5 and 1.16.3

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4.7/5 - (631 votes)

Reusable Rockets  1.16.5,1.16.3 is a mod that will allow us to manufacture a new type of rocket. However, this rocket’s functionality is not to produce beautiful pyrotechnic effects but will serve to fly with our Wings Elytra. Yes, fly, don’t plan. Reusable Rockets mod adds three tiers of reusable rockets.

Reusable Rockets

Relative Post:
Download Falling Tree Mod 1.16.5/1.15.2
Timber Mod 1.16.4/1.15.2/1.14.4
BspkrsCore 1.16.3-1.12.2-1.7.10 – Bspkrs’s Minecraft Mods



  • Three different tiers of rockets
  • Dynamic flight duration
  • Only requires gunpowder to refuel
  • Can only be used for elytra boosting

Reusable Rocket Tier 1

  • Can store up to 32 uses
  • Maximum flight duration of 2

Reusable Rocket Tier 2

  • Can store up to 64 uses
  • Maximum flight duration of 4

Reusable Rocket Tier 3

  • Can store up to 128 uses
  • Maximum flight duration of 6


Where is the config file located?

There are two types of configs. The config for the server side is located in your world folder in a subfolder called 'serverconfig'. The client side config is located in your '.minecraft' folder inside a subfolder called 'config'. Note that the client side and the server side config isn't the same. You can't put stuff from the server config into the client config. If you can't find the option you are looking for in the client config, try looking into the server config. There is always a server config, even if you are playing singleplayer, as it also uses an internal server.

I found a bug, how do I report it?

Please report any bugs on GitHub. You can find the link in the 'Issues' section on CurseForge. Please describe your problem in detail and provide screenshots if possible. It is very important that you always provide log files, even if your game didn't crash, this helps a lot narrowing down the source of the problem.

Related.  World Building Plus Mod 1.16.5

Where can I see the recipes?

For recipes use JEI Just Enough Items Mod.

Can you port this mod to Fabric?


Can you port this mod to an older Minecraft version?


How to install:

How to Use Forge to Install Minecraft Mods (Client Side)

How To Install The Fabric Mod Loader After Downloading It

The newest Minecraft Mods are available right now.

Download Reusable Rockets for Minecraft 1.16.5 and 1.16.3

Reusable Rockets for Minecraft 1.16.3:download


Reusable Rockets for Minecraft 1.16.4:download


Reusable Rockets for Minecraft 1.16.5:download

Credit and Author: henkelmax

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About Author

Wminecraft is an Minecraft player and Mod review. She's working on Minecraft for the past 8 years and wanted to share the news related to this game.