Mining Helmet Data Pack 1.16.3 – Multiplayer friendly

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4.6/5 - (212 votes)

Mining Helmet Data Pack helps you mining easier with advanced tools. You have no longer to worry about craft 80 stacks of torches when you are going to mine. This data pack adds a mining helmet, when you use it it will grant you the night vision effect, you can enchant the helmet, repair it with gold and the best part… It is multiplayer friendly!

Mining Helmet Data Pack


What is Data Pack?

Minecraft Data Packs provides a way for players to further customize their Minecraft experience. Data packs can be used to override or add new advancements, functions, loot tables, structures, recipes and tags without any code modification


How to Install:

  1. Download the data pack from the link below.
  2. Launch Minecraft. At the main menu, choose Singleplayer.
  3. Select the world you want to install this data pack, then click on Edit button at the bottom of the screen. Choose Open World Folder. A window will pop out — open datapacks folder. Now you should drop the data pack compressed file you have just downloaded into that folder.
  4. Back to the game, press Save to complete.
  5. Enter the world and enjoy it. If you didn’t get the installation message, run the command /reload. If you cannot use /reload command, you should create a new world.

Mining Helmet Data Pack Download Links:

Minecraft Game version 1.14.x to 1.16.x

Link Download :

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I'm Minecrafter, She's working on Minecraft for the past 8 years and wanted to share the news related to this game. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Modding Minecraft