Battle Towers Mod [1.15.2-1.12.2-1.7.10] (Tower Minecraft,attractive features)

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4.3/5 - (407 votes)

Besides the usual experiences that Minecraft brings such as mining, finding items to survive, it also stimulates players to fight. Battle Towers Mod is a mod game Minecraft that gives you a great space to fight enemies and win huge treasures. Join us to discover the great things about this mod game right now.

Battle Towers Mod

Overview of Battle Towers Mod

As the name of this mod game, Battle Towers Mod, it will provide players with a variety of dungeon-style battle towers into the Minecraft world. Along with that are spawners on each floor with chests filled with treasure and fascinating items.

The tower with many challenges and rewards awaits you

The tower with many challenges and rewards awaits you

To obtain treasure chests and items on each tower floor, you need to fight and defeat the spawning fish – the guardian of the tower. In particular, when the player reaches the top of the tower (or a floor below), a monster called the Battle Tower Golem will appear and you have to rush to fight it.

In Battle Towers Mod, the task of all players is to kill the Golem to officially capture the tower and take the treasure chest and items on the top of the tower. 

After the Golem is killed, the tower will begin to collapse, destroying 2-4 floors atop the tower. If the player is on the floor below the Golem, it will destroy the floors (containing the chest) of the tower to reach you.

The towers in the Battle Towers Mod will appear randomly in your Minecraft world. This game will include 8 maximum levels, after passing the highest level on the top of the tower, players will win extremely great and attractive prizes.

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Relative Post:

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Unique features of Battle Towers Mod

There are some types of materials to build battle towers such as:

  • Sandstone
  • Cobblestone
  • Netherrack
  • Ice
  • Smooth Stone
  • Mossy Cobblestone
  • End Stone

Some of the battle towers are in the reverse position, they are built exactly the same but have no windows, so no entrance. The tower is plugged into the ground and the starting point is the top of the tower, about 20-30 blocks from the ground. Below, monsters will be spawned and fight with you there.

There are also other types of towers like Netherrack, Ice for you to explore, destroy monsters, and collect wealth in them.

After fighting the Golem, you will win the worthy reward /

After fighting the Golem, you will win the worthy reward /

Attractive rewards and treasure when you pass 8 levels of Battle Towers Mod

  • Hexical Diamond / Armor (very rare)
  • Special tools and weapons (very rare)
  • Tools and Armor
  • Enchantment books with random spells (or maybe none at all)
  • Magic essence
  • Gold-plated Shield or Shield
  • Lumber Ax (Bug item, don’t pick it up or use it!)
  • Sword and Giant Sword
  • Iron ingot, yang, diamond, emerald, Lapis Lazuli
  • Rift Blade
  • Any Plants (including seeds)
  • Any Vanilla Mob spoils
  • Anvil
  • All kinds of Scythe and Glaive
  • Any item from OffLawn Mod
  • Any basic vanilla block
  • Backpack
  • Chocobo egg spawns


A battletower can have a lot of loot, currently known loot:

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  • Any type of Tools and Armors
  • Any type of Scythe and Glaive
  • Enchanted Books with random enchantments (might have no enchantments at all)
  • Rift Blade
  • Any Shield or Gilded Shield
  • Bottle o’ Enchanting
  • Lumber Axe (Bug item, don’t pick it or use it!)
  • Any type of Sword and Giant Swords
  • Diamonds, Emeralds, Lapis Lazuli, Iron Ingots, and Gold Ingots.
  • Any consumable and Plants (including seeds)
  • Magic Essence
  • Any Vanilla Mob’s loot
  • Anvil
  • Any kind of Grenade
  • Any item from OffLawn! Mod
  • Any Vanilla basic block (Cobblestones, sands, etc.)
  • Backpacks
  • Chocobo spawn egg (always yellow)
  • Hexical Diamonds/Armor (rare)
  • Special tools and weapons (rare)
  • Seeds
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  • Opening the chest on the highest and second highest floor will aggravate the golem (and instantly closes the chest GUI). The chests can only be accessed once the golem perishes, leaving very little time for the treasure to be taken – the tower will collapse as the Battle Tower Golem was sustaining it up to that point
  • The tower’s explosions (when collapsing) also destroy items, and in most cases, the loot from chests at highest and second-highest floors.
  • In Superflat, battle towers can spawn more frequently, but they also can be very close each together.
  • If 2 Battle Tower Golems meet, they fight each other, but this may be bugged as one seemed to be regenerating as the other was dying during their combat.
  • A Battle tower may spawn at where your house was, deleting all your loot and hard work if you return from a dimension, this is caused by chunks error because of teleporting from one to other dimension. This almost always happens if the chunk you are returning into has a block from Secret Rooms.
  • On Smooth Stone Battle tower, Ores do generate, replacing some part of the walls with vein of ores, usually Redstone or Coal Ores.
  • On some rare cases, the tower is destroyed completely upon the Battletower Golem’s death.

Battle Towers can spawn in The End, and Battletower Golem can be angered by Ender Dragon if he strikes him.

  • The Tower Golem May Destroy the top chest when he gets mad, causing the loot to burn up in the flames or, (very rarely) may fall through a hole for you too collect.
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A ice battletower in the twilight forest

Battle Tower Golem at the top of a tower.

Battle Tower Golem at the top of a tower.

After the Golem is slain the tower is destroyed.

After the Golem is slain the tower is destroyed.

More Tower Screenshots:

After fighting the Golem, you will win the worthy reward /

After fighting the Golem, you will win the worthy reward /

Install the free Battle Towers Mod through Minecraft Forge to expand the combat system in the Minecraft world, you will not be disappointed with this interesting Minecraft Mod!

How to install:

How to Use Forge to Install Minecraft Mods (Client Side)

How To Install The Fabric Mod Loader After Downloading It

The newest Minecraft Mods are available right now.

Battle Towers Mod for Minecraft 1.15.2/1.14.4/1.12.2/1.7.10 Download Links:

Minecraft Game version 1.5.2:


Minecraft Game version 1.6.2:


Minecraft Game version 1.6.4:


Minecraft Game version 1.7.2:


Minecraft Game version 1.7.10


Minecraft Game version 1.8.0


Minecraft Game version 1.10.2


Minecraft Game version 1.11


Minecraft Game version 1.11.2


Minecraft Game version 1.12


Minecraft Game version 1.12.1


Minecraft Game version 1.12.2


Minecraft Game version 1.14.4 – 1.15.2 – 1.16.1

Updating…Draylar’s Battle Towers 1.16.1

Author: atomicstrykergrumpy – Source: Curseforge

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I'm Minecrafter, She's working on Minecraft for the past 8 years and wanted to share the news related to this game. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Modding Minecraft