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Tinkers’ Mechworks Mod for Minecraft 1.16.5-1.15.2 – Redstone machines Minecraft
It is a mod that adds various Redstone machines originally created by mDiyo.
What is Tinkers 'Mechworks Mod?
Tinkers ‘Mechworks Mod is an extended Minecraft Mod of Tinkers’ Construct Mod, adding many useful Redstone machines for you to produce and build the world of the magic square.
World Generation:
Mechworks adds copper and aluminum ores that generate in the overworld, these ores are used to craft items throughout the mod.
If aluminum brass is available, it is used instead. E.g. this mod will provide copper and aluminum for Tinkers’ Construct that you can use to make aluminum brass using the smeltery.
Place and retract any kind of block, including ones not normally movable with pistons. They also hold their own inventory as items, meaning you can place drawbridges with drawbridges!
Sets the block in front of it on fire when given a Redstone signal, and can optionally extinguish it when power is removed
Mod install With:
How to install:
How to Use Forge to Install Minecraft Mods (Client Side)
How To Install The Fabric Mod Loader After Downloading It
The newest Minecraft Mods are available right now.
Tinkers’ Mechworks Mod for Minecraft Download Links
Minecraft Game version 1.6.4:
Minecraft Game version 1.7.2: 
Minecraft Game version 1.7.10: 
Minecraft Game version 1.14.4: 
Minecraft Game version 1.15.2: 
Minecraft Game version 1.16.1: 
Minecraft Game version 1.16.4: 
Minecraft Game version 1.16.5
Author: mDiyo, JeanGlassmaker, bonusboni – Rating: 4.28 − 80 votes – Source: Curseforge