Immersive Portals Mod 1.19.2, 1.18.2 – Vanilla Nether Portals are Just Purple Blocks

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4.2/5 - (637 votes)

You have played Minecraft for a long time. But you have never seen Immersive Portals Mod before! Immersive porta l s let you see through portals and go to nether just by walking in! Immersive Portals Mod is an immersive mod that enhances the vanilla nether portal experience with the addition of being able to look through it as well as walk into it from anywhere on its surface, not just at the bottom as usual- no loading screen when traveling between Nether and Overworld either!

You’re walking around your base, when you notice a purple block. You walk up to it and realize that it’s a nether portal! You excitedly step into the portal and are instantly transported to the Nether. You look around and see all sorts of ghasts and blazes. You start walking towards a fort when you hear something behind you. You turn around and see a zombie pigman! You quickly run away, but it’s too late. The zombie pigman has already killed you.

Immersive Portals Mod

In addition, with this mod installed, you can create portals to the Nether that can be horizontally shaped and do not have to be rectangular. You can also create mirrors, by right-clicking, with a lighter in your hand, on a glass. These mirrors can be vertical or horizontal.

See more:

Better Nether Mod 1.16.5,1.15.2 and 1.12.2
TreeCapitator Mod 1.16.3-1.16.2-1.12.2-1.7.10
Download Easy Villagers Mod for Minecraft 1.16.4/1.16.3

It’s compatible with these shaders:

  • BSL shader
  • Builder’s Moded shader
  • Kappa shader
  • Nostalgia shader
  • projectLUMA shader
  • RRe36 shader
  • SEUS Renewed shader
  • Sildurs Vibrant shader (sildurs vibrant shaders v1.281 lite)
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It’s not compatible with these shaders:

  • Beyond Belief shader
  • Chocapic shader
  • Molly Vxe shader
  • Voyager shader


Immersive Portals Mod

You can see portals inside portals.

Immersive Portals Mod

The travel is seamless. Without loading screen.

Immersive Portals Mod


Fabric Modloader

Fabric API



Mixin Bootstrap Library (Requires for Forge version)


How to install:

How to Use Forge to Install Minecraft Mods (Client Side)

How To Install The Fabric Mod Loader After Downloading It

The mainly supported version is the Fabric version. Fixing Forge-version-specific issues is in low priority. It’s recommended to use the Fabric version. The Fabric version is more stable than the Forge version.

(1.14 version of this mod is incompatible with OptiForge because of a Forge’s issue. If you want to use OptiFine with this mod in 1.14 you need to use older version of Forge such as 28.1.114).

The 1.14 and 1.15 version of this mod depends on MixinBootstrap

Download Immersive Portals Mod for Minecraft 

Immersive Portals Mod For MC 1.14.4

Fabric version: Download from Server

Forge version: Download from Server

Mixin Bootstrap Library: Download from Server

Immersive Portals Mod For MC 1.15

Fabric version: Download from Server

Immersive Portals Mod For MC 1.15.1

Fabric version: Download from Server

Immersive Portals Mod For MC 1.15.2

Fabric version: Download from Server

Forge version: Download from Server

Mixin Bootstrap Library: Download from Server

Immersive Portals Mod For MC 1.16.1

Forge version: Download from Server

Fabric version: Download from Server

Immersive Portals Mod For MC 1.16.2

Forge version: Download from Server

Fabric version: Download from Server

Immersive Portals Mod For MC 1.16.3

Forge version: Download from Server

Fabric version: Download from Server

Immersive Portals Mod For MC 1.16.4

Forge version: Download from Server

Fabric version: Download from Server

Immersive Portals For MC 1.16.5

Fabric version: Download from Server

Immersive Portals Mod For MC 1.17.1

Fabric version: Download from Server

Immersive Portals For Minecraft 1.18

Fabric version: Download from Server

Immersive Portals For Minecraft 1.18.1

Fabric version: Download from Server

Immersive Portals For Minecraft 1.18.2

Fabric version: Download from Server

Immersive Portals For Minecraft 1.19

Fabric version: Download from Server

Immersive Portals For Minecraft 1.19.2

Fabric version: Download from Server 1


Q: Is this mod compatible with other mods?

Related.  Industrial Foregoing Mod 1.16.5 - MineFactory Reloaded

A: Yes. It’s compatible with every mod. However, I recommend you to use my other mods as well.

Q: Is this mod compatible with the latest version of Minecraft?

A: Yes. This mod is compatible with the latest version of Minecraft.

Q: What is your website URL?

A: You can find my website at

Q: I can’t finish my book, how do I get it?

A: You can get it by clicking on the link “Get your book”.

Q: I’m getting an error while downloading. What should I do?

A: Try to download the mod manually. If you are still getting an error, please contact me via PM or comment section below.

Credit: qouteall ❘ Rating: 4.50 − 133 votes  ❘ 203,230 views

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Wminecraft is an Minecraft player and Mod review. She's working on Minecraft for the past 8 years and wanted to share the news related to this game.