10 Minecraft Decoration Mods That Will Blow Your Mind!

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Creator of the best Minecraft mod list out there, you can always count on this author to deliver the goods. When he’s not obsessing over Minecraft, he loves spending time with his family and friends.

1. Chisel & Bits

Chisel & Bits is the perfect creative outlet for anyone who loves to get their hands dirty. With this app, you can chisel your favorite block into any shape you desire. You can also mix and match bits of different blocks to create hybrid-blocks! If you’re up for a little virtual elbow grease, this is a great way to create beautiful decoration blocks. It takes some work but the results are well worth it!

2. Bricks N’ Blocks

There are already a ton of blocks in Minecraft. After all, the entire world is made of blocks, so this makes sense. Maybe you love building enough to crave more though. How does about 1700 new blocks sound?

All of these blocks are obtainable in survival mode. I’ve got a challenge for you: try getting all of them!

3. MrCrayfish’s Furniture Mod

MrCrayfish’s Furniture Mod is the perfect mod for anyone who wants to make their house look stunning from the outside. With access to cozy furniture like chairs, benches, tables, and plants, you can turn your house into a home that impresses everyone who visits. Even the creeper that snuck in through the open back door won’t want to blow something so beautiful up!

4. Engineer’s Decor

Engineer’s Decor is the perfect mod for anyone who loves using redstone and building contraptions. The items in this mod look great, and a lot of them have functional benefits too. For example, rebar (steel) reinforced concrete is creeper-proof so you won’t need to worry about them blowing a fuse on your circuitry.

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The appearance of the blocks in Engineer’s Decor is a fittingly industrial one. It’ll definitely get you in the zone to build your next crazy contraption!

5. FramedBlocks

Minecraft is a game all about cubes. But what if you want something a bit more… creative? With FramedBlocks, you can make blocks that don’t look like cubes. You can create little ramps, pillars, or other weird shapes to decorate your house with.

6. Ferdinand’s Flowers

Ferdinand’s Flower is the ultimate flower mod. It adds so many flowers that even your local greenhouse will be envious. That greenhouse is about to get even greener!

Your world will be decorated with over 110 new flowers, which you can collect to decorate your own builds! Some of these flowers can even be used to make new dyes. Not only will your garden expand – so will your color palette.

7. Paintings++

Sam is a creative person who loves to add new life to old things. When he’s not spending time with his family or playing Minecraft, he enjoys modding the game to add new features and experiences. Paintings++ allows players to add their own paintings to the game, giving it a more personal touch.

8. Decorative Blocks

Decorative Blocks is the perfect mod for anyone who loves to add a touch of luxury and refinement to their Minecraft world. These new blocks include bonfires and braziers, perfect for adding atmosphere and ambiance to any party or gathering. There are also chairs now, because who doesn’t love sitting down? Plus, if your friends are Minecraft players, they’ll appreciate the added functionality of some of these blocks too!

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9. Colored Bricks Mod

Do you like bricks? Do you like rainbows? If you said yes to both of those questions, then you’ll love Colored Bricks Mod. This mod contains bricks of many colors. These new bricks come in even more colors than rainbows!

With this installed, you can make houses so colorful that people will pick looking at it over an actual rainbow! But be careful – if you’re not good at building, you might just end up with a piece of poop that happens to be colorful. Just call it avant-garde!

10. Macaw’s Roofs

This modder’s name is Macaw, and they focus on making one part of your home look better: the roof. Those clunky full blocks that you use to make your roofs? Stop doing that. And if you use stairs to make your roof, that’s better, but not better enough to stop me from saying what I’m about to say. Stop doing that. Macaw’s Roofs will make your roofs look much less clunky. It allows you to create smooth, diagonal roofs that actually look like roofs instead of very wide staircases.

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Zozo is Gamer Minecrafter. Review Best Minecraft Mods, Minecraft mods review. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Modding Minecraft