Retro NES Resource Pack 1.17.1/1.15.2/1.14.4 for Minecraft

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Retro NES Resource Pack – A whole new experience with Minecraft

This Retro NES texture pack lets you relive your love for NES games, Minecraft-style. It pays tribute to one of the most important consoles in gaming history – one that singlehandedly released beloved pop culture icons like Mario, Kirby, and Donkey Kong. If you’re feeling particularly nostalgic, just know that the bright color palette and pixel-y graphics of old-school NES games suit the Minecraft game design to a T.

Retro NES Resource Pack

Seriously; the concept of this pack is so well-executed, it’s guaranteed to bring many an older player back to simpler times, when saving Princess Peach and navigating Bowser’s fortress were their biggest challenges.

Retro NES Revived 1.15 is a resource pack that turns Minecraft’s already blocky pixel art style into something even more blocky. Namely, Retro NES Revived 1.15 uses the iconic visual style of the NES to give Minecraft a retro video game look. The combination of old school textures with Minecraft’s blocky visuals makes this a truly authentic retro experience.

The Retro NES resource bundle is what you’ve been seeking for if you want an entertaining reminiscence of the good old days. Simply because it is a truly impressive resource pack and anyone who remembers the NES or has played games on it will undoubtedly be overcome with nostalgia when they get their hands on this content, Retro NES is a resource pack that you should get right away. The Retro NES Resource Pack was created by Knightworm, and it is essentially finished. To make our “ancient times” more enjoyable, textures are available at 1616 resolution. Low resolution will also make it possible for many people to play the pack without experiencing any frame rate issues on PCs with less-than-optimal configurations.

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Note that Knightworm was not the only one to initially envision the same pack. However, because the original creator has mostly ceased to be active, Knightworm has been permitted to carry on with his work and, so far, he has been doing a pretty respectable job. The primary benefit of Retro NES is that it will entirely change the game’s default appearance. It will also undergo a significant reworking of the music and sound effects. The default sounds in the game have all been replaced with ones that are instantly recognizable to any NES gamers after installing this set of textures. The limited color palette used in Retro NES should capture the authentic feel of the original games played on the NES system.

Retro NES Resource Pack Previews:


Optifine HD

How to install:

  1. Download a resource pack, you should get a .zip file.v
  2. Open the folder to which you downloaded the file.
  3. Copy the .zip file.
  4. Open Minecraft.
  5. Click on “Options”, then “Resource Packs”.
  6. Choose “Open resource pack folder”.
  7. Paste the file into the resource folder in Minecraft.
  8. Go back to Minecraft, the resource pack should now be listed and you can activate it by choosing it and hitting “Done”.

Download link for Retro NES Resource Pack:

Minecraft Game version 1.12.2:



Minecraft Game version 1.13.2:



Minecraft Game version 1.14.4:



Minecraft Game version 1.15.2:



Minecraft Game version 1.17.1:download

Author: Knightworm

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Zozo is Gamer Minecrafter. Review Best Minecraft Mods, Minecraft mods review. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Modding Minecraft