How to Make Paintings in Minecraft and a List of All Paintings

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Paintings are a great way to spruce up your Minecraft base and make it look more polished. In this article, we will teach you how to make paintings in Minecraft 1.18 and show you a list of all the paintings that are available in the game.

Making paintings in Minecraft is a quick and easy way to spruce up your base. All you need is a crafting table and some paint, which you can get by breaking any painting you find in the world.

To make a painting, place a canvas in the crafting table and add any four colors of paint. The canvas will automatically be filled with the colors, and you’ll have yourself a new painting! You can also use dyes to create different colors, if needed.

There are dozens of different paintings that you can craft, but we’ve listed some of our favorites below. Be sure to experiment with different combinations to create your own masterpieces!

1. Introduction to paintings in Minecraft

Minecraft’s paintings are a bit different than those in other games. In Minecraft, they don’t just appear out of thin air–you have to create them! There currently 26 painting throughout the game which can be found on either north or south facing walls (it seems like these types face brighter compared east/west). pics also serve as passage ways into secret bases for players and mobs alike; however if blocks supporting pictures allow passing through it then everyone could walk underneath without too much hassle
Mwhenever I find myself near one of these scenic landscapes i’m always sure glad that someone else has decided

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2. How to make pictures in Minecraft update 1.18

Step 1: Prepare the ingredients
– The paintings can be generated quite easily, as they do not require any rare blocks. The only things you need are 8 sticks and 1 piece of wool (any color). The player can get sticks using 2 pieces of planks or bamboo. On the other hand, piece of wool can only be harvested from sheep. Using adult shears will yield 1-3 pieces of wool.

Step 2: Crafting the picture

– Open the crafting table, put the piece of wool in the middle and put 8 sticks around. When placed correctly, a picture will appear in the small box.

Step 3: Place the painting
– Just hold the picture in your hand and place it where you want,

When placing, a picture will appear to fit the space where the picture is placed (pictures appear randomly and of that size). The player can add blocks around the picture to make sure it is the desired size. The pictures in Minecraft have sizes 1×1, 2×1, 2×2, 4×2, 4×3 and 4×4. If you want to create all the paintings in Minecraft, order them based on the list in part 3. You can also refer to Minecraft 1.19 update here to prepare for this new version when it is released. .

3. List of all paintings in Minecraft

Kristoffer Zetterstrand is an artist who has created many paintings for Minecraft. There are 26 total including ones that were based on his work!

– 1×1 painting in Minecraft
+ Albanian: A man in a skirt stands next to a house and a bush
+ Target successfully bombed: De_dust2 map from the video game Counter-Strike
+ Paradistrad: Still life picture of two plants in a pot
+ Wasteland: The picture of some wasteland
+ de_aztec: Perspective of the de_aztec map from the video game Counter-Strike (there are two variations of this picture)
+ Kebab med bamboo pepperoni: Grilled meat with three peppers

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– Painting 2×1 in Minecraft
+ The pool: Some men and women soak in the pool on the cube
+ Bonjour monsieur Courbet: Two bearded pedestrians are greeting each other
+ sunset-dense: Mountain scene at sunset
+ Seaside: Mountain and lake view, with a small photo of a mountain and a tree on the window ledge (another version with a creeper instead of a tree)

– Painting 1×2 in Minecraft
+ Wanderer: Version of the famous painting The Wanderer on the Sea of ​​Mist by Caspar David Friedrich
+ Graham: King Graham, the character in King’s Quest

– Painting 2×2 in Minecraft
+ Bust: Bust of Marcus Aurelius surrounded by pixelated flames
+ Moonlight installation: Skulls and roses
+ Wither: Creation of Wither, with three skulls and soul sand
+ The void: An angel praying into space

– Painting 4×2 in Minecraft
+ Fighters: Two men with pictures preparing to fight

– Painting 4×3 in Minecraft
+ Mortal Coil: “Mean Midget” from Grim Fandango
+ Kong: Donkey Kong scene from the original game

– Painting 4×4 in Minecraft
+ RGB: A girl draws a pig on canvas
+ Pointer: A large hand pointing at a petite man
+ Skull on Fire: A burning skull


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