ComputerCraft Mod For Minecraft 1.16.3-1.12.2-1.9.0-1.7.10 – Computer programming

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ComputerCraft Mod 1.16.3-1.12.2-1.9-1.7.10… is a Minecraft mod that relates to computer programming. It allows you to use Lua programming language to write programs for in-game computers. It also lets you code for Turtle Robots which you can craft yourself in the game.

ComputerCraft Mod

If you are searching for really practical stuff that you want to incorporate into your Minecraft world, then this mod is a blessing for your needs. It comes with its own application software, a programmable language and a text editor, as well as a database schema. It also has two games to incorporate something particularly enjoyable to the framework.

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Minecraft ComputerCraft Mod Features

Complete Operating System

The ComputerCraft mod adds a certain amount of startup to the game. You can rule your environment using the machine that the mod makes. It can also be used to automate your environment as well, ultimately.

Every desktop comes with its individual operating system, a filesystem, a series of built-in programs and Lua programming language to learn and write your own programs. Computers can communicate with Redstone cables and RedPower2 mod bundled wires, ensuring thorough automation and surveillance of your worlds.


Data Transfer and Music Play

It is also possible to increase the storage capacity of the computer in this mod with the help of peripheral devices. The disk drives also render the possibility of transmitting files across multiple computers as well as play some cool and chill music of your choice. 

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Wireless Modems contribute to wireless networking between computers. Monitors bring out the large external displays, and Printers incorporate the ability and capacity of printing services.


In addition, you can also install big external displays to render more noticeable what you are searching for, and establish a printer so you can print stuff. Most of all, you can do on a regular machine using this device.

Learning Purposes

Adding the programming to Minecraft opens up a wide range of new automation and innovation possibilities. It also makes for a beautiful way of learning real-world skills in friendly, comfortable surroundings, in case you never programmed previously.


Using Web Displays with ComputerCraft

Using Web Displays with ComputerCraft

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Crafting Recipes:



How to install?

  • Choose the Minecraft version you want, You have already installed Minecraft Forge
  • Locate the minecraft application folder.
    • On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run.
    • On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
  • Download the Mod
  • Move the downloaded Jar (zip) file into the “mods” folder
  • Launch Minecraft and Enjoy the mod.

How to install:

How to Use Forge to Install Minecraft Mods (Client Side)

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The newest Minecraft Mods are available right now.

ComputerCraft Mod For Minecraft 1.16.3-1.12.2-1.9.0-1.7.10 Download Links:

Minecraft Game version 1.6.4:


Minecraft Game version 1.7.10:


Minecraft Game version 1.8.0:


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Minecraft Game version 1.8.9:


Minecraft Game version 1.9:


Minecraft Game version 1.9.4:


Minecraft Game version 1.12.2 – 1.12.1 – 1.12:


Minecraft Game version 1.13.2 to 1.16.3:

Link Download : Updating 69% …

Author: DanTwoHundred – Source: curse

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Wminecraft is an Minecraft player and Mod review. She's working on Minecraft for the past 8 years and wanted to share the news related to this game.