Better Combat Mod 1.19.2, 1.18.2: Combat in Style

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4.8/5 - (692 votes)

Better Combat is a mod that incorporates battle animations and interactions from Minecraft Dungeons, a different Mojang game that is significantly more focused on combat. Contrary to Mineraft Dungeons, which is heavily focused on it, Minecraft offers a very limited amount of battle animation. Better Combat enables players to create better animations by incorporating the combat style from Minecraft Dungeons into Minecraft Java.

Better Combat

Please be aware that the mod only functions on the client side; it is incompatible with servers. The majority of mods that add weapons should work with it.

How to install:

How to Use Forge to Install Minecraft Mods (Client Side)

How To Install The Fabric Mod Loader After Downloading It


  • fancy animations for attacks

Several one-handed and two-handed attack animation elements are included in this mod.

  • Accurate Detection of Weapon Collisions

You can now swing your weapon and hit anything that gets in your path rather than chasing pixels with your cursor. Play the game and have fun in third person.

  • Natural Observe and feel

Like in real life, attacks have a build-up period before the hit is delivered.

  • Combinations of Weapons

Various weapons have various assault patterns.

  • Any Combination, Dual Wield

Any set of one-handed weapons can be dual wielded! Alternately attack with the main hand and the off hand by using the attack hotkey.

  • Hold to strike

Hold attack to repeatedly attack while cooldown is in effect (configurable).

Better Combat Mod Screenshots:

Better Combat Mod 1.19.2, 1.18.2 Download Links:

Minecraft Game version 1.18.2

Forge Version:download


Fabric Version:download

Minecraft Game version 1.19.2, 1.19.1, 1.19

Forge Version:download


Fabric Version:download


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Zozo is Gamer Minecrafter. Review Best Minecraft Mods, Minecraft mods review. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Modding Minecraft