Structure Gel API 1.17.1/1.16.5: Open Source, Jigsaw System

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4.6/5 - (670 votes)

The Structure Gel API is a mod designed to make creating structures easier on the developers, specifically ones using the jigsaw system. Structure Gel’s goal is to provide a way for developers to create complex shapes without having to worry about where pieces of their structure intersects other parts. Structure Gel has been written in Java and published as open-source software under the GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPLv3). Structure Gel will be compatible with Minecraft 1.17.1 or 1.16.5 but compatibility should not be considered an imperative requirement, as Structure Gels code base can easily be ported from one version to another if need be by its developer(s).

Structure Gel API

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Structure Gel Block

The gel block is a creative tool to fill the insides of structures easily. The gel will be replaced with air when your structure generates while all other ambient objects are ignored, ensuring that you won’t have natural terrain where it shouldn’t exist! When placing gels while sneaking; they behave similarly in terms if mechanics–you can trigger spreading by steping on one (or more) item which then spreads slowly over time until filled like an accordion or paper bag – each piece has different rates depending upon their size

Red Gel

Red gel uses the default spreading mechanic, spreading along the cardinal directions, only replacing air.

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Red Gel

Blue Gel

Blue gel functions similarly to red, except it won’t spread into locations where the sky can be seen.

Blue Gel

Green Gel

Green gel spreads the same as red gel, with the addition of also spreading diagonally. This allows it to get through corners created by vines or other complex builds. Be careful not to let it leak outside of your build.

Green Gel

Cyan Gel

Cyan gel acts as a combination of green and blue gel, by both spreading diagonally and avoiding the sky.

Cyan Gel

Orange Gel

Orange gel behaves the same as red gel, but the distance it spreads is determined by how many you’re holding when you place it, making it handy for builds in open areas.

Orange Gel

Yellow Gel

Yellow gel will only spread along the plane that you’re facing when you place it, making it great for sealing off walls, windows, or other holes that the gel would otherwise go through.

Yellow Gel

Removing Gels

Gel can be removed by using gunpowder on it. Doing this will trigger a chain reaction, removing all connected gels of the same type.

Removing Gel

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Zozo is Gamer Minecrafter. Review Best Minecraft Mods, Minecraft mods review. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Modding Minecraft