SpongeBob BedWars Map 1.18.1: PvP Fun on Floating Islands

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4.8/5 - (730 votes)

The sun had set and the cool breeze blew through the air as the four friends sailed to their final destination. They were finally going to be able to play on the new SpongeBob BedWars Map 1.18.1!

As they arrived, they could see that the map was huge! It was divided into 4 teams with each team’s base being decorated like one of SpongeBob’s houses.

They quickly placed their beds and got ready for battle. The first few minutes were a chaotic mess as everyone tried to find weapons and armor. But soon, players began to group up and form alliances.

The battles raged on for hours, but eventually only one player from each team remained. The last

How to install Minecraft SpongeBob BedWars Map:

  1. Download the map from the link below.
  2. Extract the file you have just downloaded.
  3. Hold down Windows key, then press R key on the keyboard (or you can click Start, then type Run into search, after that click Run)
  4. Type %appdata% into the Run program, then press Enter.
  5. Open .minecraft folder, then open saves folder.
  6. Drag extracted map folder which you have done in step 2 into saves folder.
  7. Start Minecraft, the map is in Singleplay mode.
  8. Enjoy and play!


– Fun and exciting gameplay.
– Battle your friends in a fun environment.
– Relive your childhood memories of SpongeBob.
– Get nostalgic with this throwback map.


SkyBlock Map for MC 1.18.2, 1.17.1 Download links:

SpongeBob BedWars Map 1.18.1, 1.17.1: download

Thanks for the great review of our SpongeBob BedWars Map 1.18.1! We’re glad you’re enjoying it and we hope you have a lot of fun playing on the maps inspired by your favorite cartoon character!

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Zozo is Gamer Minecrafter. Review Best Minecraft Mods, Minecraft mods review. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Modding Minecraft