Level Up Your Shulker Boxes with the Reinforced Shulker Boxes Mod 1.18.2 → 1.19.3

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4.7/5 - (519 votes)

The Reinforced Shulker Boxes Mod (1.18.2 → 1.19.3) provides gamers with a way to enhance the awesome powers of their Shulker Boxes beyond the standard versions already given in game play. Originally, players can pick up Shulker Boxes as a reward after succeeding against Enderdragon in an adventure in The End, and utilize them for decoration or more practical purposes like easily transporting items with them wherever they go — rather like having a virtual backpack! Now, gamers are able to level up already owned boxes further by downloading and installing the Reinforced Shulker Boxes Mod, so that bronze-, iron-, gold-, diamond- and Netherite-versions are achievable; enhancing the number of empty slots you have available in each box too.

Reinforced Shulker Boxes Mod

Reinforced Shulker Boxes Mod

How to install:

How to Use Forge to Install Minecraft Mods (Client Side)

How To Install The Fabric Mod Loader After Downloading It

The newest Minecraft Mods are available right now.


✔️Adds reinforced Shulker boxes.

How It Works

The Reinforced Shulker Boxes Mod allows users to level up their existing Shulkers by using bronze, iron, gold, diamond and Netherite. As you upgrade your boxes, the number of empty slots inside increases as well as its durability and portability. To make sure that it fits on your back comfortably, upgraded boxes come in 2 sizes – small and large – so that you can customize it according to your needs!

In terms of protection for the items stored inside your box, it can withstand extreme temperatures and pressures thanks to its reinforced material construction! This means that no matter where you go or what environment you’re exploring in-game, all of your items will be safe from damage or destruction. Of course, this also means that if anyone were to try and steal from you they won’t be able too since it’s almost impossible to open without having the right tools!

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Lastly, this mod includes an additional feature called “Enhanced Crafting”. This feature adds more crafting recipes for certain items such as weapons and armor so that players have access to better equipment in-game. In addition to making crafting easier and faster for players who don’t have time to find all the necessary materials individually, this feature also makes it possible for them to craft higher quality gear than what they would normally be able to create without it.

Reinforced Shulker Boxes

Name Description
Copper Shulker Box A copper shulker box has 45 inventory slots.
Iron Shulker Box An iron shulker box has 54 inventory slots.
Gold Shulker Box A gold shulker box has 81 inventory slots.
Diamond Shulker Box A diamond shulker box has 108 inventory slots.
Netherite Shulker Box A netherite shulker box has 108 inventory slots. This is resistant to blast, fire and lava.


Name Type Recipe
Copper Shulker Box Shaped Crafting Copper Shulker Box Shaped Crafting Recipe
Iron Shulker Box Shaped Crafting Iron Shulker Box Shaped Crafting Recipe
Gold Shulker Box Shaped Crafting Gold Shulker Box Shaped Crafting Recipe
Diamond Shulker Box Shaped Crafting Diamond Shulker Box Shaped Crafting Recipe
Netherite Shulker Box Smithing Netherite Shulker Box Smithing Recipe

Crafting from Reinforced Chests

Name Type Recipe
Copper Shulker Box Shaped Crafting Copper Shulker Box from Copper Chest Shaped Crafting Recipe
Iron Shulker Box Shaped Crafting Iron Shulker Box from Copper Chest Shaped Crafting Recipe
Gold Shulker Box Shaped Crafting Gold Shulker Box from Copper Chest Shaped Crafting Recipe
Diamond Shulker Box Shaped Crafting Diamond Shulker Box from Copper Chest Shaped Crafting Recipe
Netherite Shulker Box Shaped Crafting Netherite Shulker Box from Copper Chest Shaped Crafting Recipe


Name Type Recipe
Any Reinforced Shulker Box Shapeless Crafting Any Reinforced Shulker Box + Matching Dye

Dyed reinforced shulker boxes can be undyed using a cauldron.


You can configure from the Mod Menu or by editing config/reinfcore.json directly.

Key Type Default Description
screenType "SINGLE" | "SCROLL" "SINGLE" the screen type
scrollScreen.rows int 6 the number of scroll screen rows
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Screen Type

Screen Type: "SINGLE" Screen Type: "SCROLL"
Single Screen Scroll Screen

Scroll Screen


Rows: 6 Rows: 9
Scroll Screen: 6 rows Scroll Screen: 9 rows

Overall, the Reinforced Shulker Boxes Mod (1.18.2 → 1.19.3) is an incredible way for Minecraft players who are looking for a way to increase their storage capacity while also protecting their valuable items from extreme temperatures or pressures while they explore new worlds or fight enemies in-game! Additionally, this mod provides helpful features such as Enhanced Crafting which makes creating weapons and armor much easier as well as allowing users access to higher quality gear than what they could create without it! If you’re looking for an easy way to increase your storage capacity while also staying safe during adventures in-game then this mod is definitely something worth considering downloading today!

Reinforced Shulker Boxes Mod Screenshots:

Reinforced Shulker Boxes Mod Reinforced Shulker Boxes Mod Reinforced Shulker Boxes Mod

Reinforced Shulker Boxes Mod (1.18.2 → 1.19.3) Download Links

For Minecraft 1.17.1

Fabric version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.18.1

Fabric version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.18.2

Fabric version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.19.2, 1.19.2, 1.19.1

Fabric version: Download from Server 1

For Minecraft 1.19.3

Fabric version: Download from Server 1


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Zozo is Gamer Minecrafter. Review Best Minecraft Mods, Minecraft mods review. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Modding Minecraft