“Milkyway Galaxy Night Sky” Texture Pack 1.17.1, 1.16.5 Adds Stunning realism to Minecraft Skies

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4.7/5 - (986 votes)

Do you love spending time in Minecraft, gazing up at the sky and watching the world go by? If so, then you’ll love the new Milkyway Galaxy Night Sky Texture Pack! This pack completely changes the look of the sky, making it much more realistic. The best part is that it doesn’t require any other mods or textures to work – just install and enjoy! The night sky is especially beautiful, with a large moon and constellations visible. During the day, you’ll enjoy a realistic Sun and barely noticeable stars.

Milkyway Galaxy Night Sky

How to install Milkyway Galaxy Night Sky Texture Pack?

If you are using Minecraft 1.17 or above, then you should use the one-click installer!

1. Download the file and place it in your .minecraft/texturepacks/ folder

2. Start up Minecraft, go to Options > Resource Packs

3. Click Open resource pack folder

4. Put the .zip file into your texturepacks folder

5. Start up Minecraft, go to Options > Resource Packs

6. Click Open texture packs folder

7. Put the .zip file into your texturepacks folder

Click on “Open texture pack folders” button on bottom left corner of Minecraft window to view all available texture packs for download!


– Completely changes the look of the sky.

– Completely changes the way the sun and moon look.

– Changes the appearance of stars and constellations.

Milkyway Galaxy Night Sky Texture Pack Screenshots:

Milkyway Galaxy Night Sky Milkyway Galaxy Night Sky Milkyway Galaxy Night Sky Milkyway Galaxy Night Sky Milkyway Galaxy Night Sky

Milkyway Galaxy Night Sky Texture Pack 1.17.1, 1.16.5 Download Links:

Minecraft Game version 1.17.1, 1.16.5:download

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Why does the sky look so dark?

A: The Milkyway Galaxy Night Sky Texture Pack is the darkest version of the pack, so make sure that you have a light source nearby. You can use torches, glowstone, or even a night vision goggles.

Q: I don’t see any stars in the sky!

A: You need to have a light source nearby – torches, glowstone/lava, or a night vision goggles will all do. If you still don’t see any stars then try turning off your flashlight and/or closing your eyes. Try also restarting Minecraft to make sure that you have everything installed correctly.

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Zozo is Gamer Minecrafter. Review Best Minecraft Mods, Minecraft mods review. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Modding Minecraft