How to Use Piglin in Minecraft: New Nether Features, Mobs, and Blocks

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In the latest Minecraft Nether update, you’ll find a new mob called Piglin. These creatures can be helpful or harmful, depending on the situation. In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about Piglin in Minecraft, including how to best use them in your game!


The Piglin is a strange creature that can be found in the nether and on any type of terrain. They love gold, so if you confront one with no armor around it will attack!

What is Piglin?

The pigman Piglin lives in the Nether Dimension of Minecraft. They frequently show up in the Nether Wasteland and the Red Forest. Additionally, if the player is wearing at least one piece of gold armor, they will behave neutrally.

Minecraft’s piglin has 3 styles:

  • Adult Piglin
  • Baby Piglin
  • Piglin Brute

Piglin Brute is the Bastion Remnant’s toughest defender among them. Therefore, you should strive to keep a safe distance because they might assault the player at any point.

Did you know that in Minecraft, a regular piglin may also transform into a zombie? When in the Overworld, they frequently act in that manner. Piglin doesn’t attack you until you do.

Taming Piglin

Piglin cannot be tamed or raised. The infant Piglin likewise shows up out of the blue in the Nether, much like the adult Piglin does.

To restore harmony, you can exchange goods with Piglin Minecraft. Keep in mind that if Piglin is not provoked, this aggressive mob will simply prowl the area and carry out their duties.

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Trader with Piglin

Many valuable things, such as arrows (BE only), black stone, crying obsidian, fireballs, gravel, soul sand, and spectral arrows (Java only), can be obtained through trading with Piglin in Minecraft.
Because of this, building a trading device with Piglin will enable you to get several products without making extensive travels.

Steps of building a Piglin Bartering farm in Minecraft

Pigs have a certain quality that makes them appear pretty unfriendly. When building a farm specifically for trading with this mob type, it’s crucial to keep in mind the value products they can swap with gold for in order to obtain various goods without difficulty.

Glass blocks, soul sand, buttons, pressure plates, dispensers, Redstone torches, gold ingots, hoppers, carpet, and two chests are required to construct the Piglin Bartering farm.


  • Soul Sand
  • Glass block
  • Pressure plate
  • Button
  • Carpet
  • Gold bar
  • Item Box
  • Redstone torch
  • Dispenser dispenser

Wear some gold armor now that you may have gathered all the materials needed to construct the Piglin Trading Farm in Minecraft. Next, go as follows after finding a location near several piglins in the nether:

Step 1

Place two chests on top of three dug blocks.

Step 2

By maintaining a crouch and aiming at the chest, place a hopper leading to the chest on the opposite hole, and then place a carpet over it.

Step 3

Wrap the carpet in glass blocks, leaving one side unobstructed. On the left side of one glass block, place one soul sand on top of the block.

Step 4

Over the soul sand, place a glass block. Next, place two more blocks on either side of the glass block.

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Step 5

Add a piston facing the glass block and break the middle block.

Step 6

Toss some gold on the carpet before you. The piglin will hastily take the gold before taking a closer look. In the interim, you must push Piglin into the carpet. Cover the Piglin with glass blocks after he is inside.

Step 7

The glass block slides over the piglin when a Redstone torch is placed on the soul sand.

Step 8

Over the soul sand, place a pressure plate.

Step 9

Remove the piston, then incorporate a dispenser.

Step 10

Remove the extra blocks, then set a button on the soul sand.

Step 11

Your Minecraft piglin bartering farm is ready to produce useful goodies when you put some gold in the dispenser.


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