Everything you need to know about the Warden in Minecraft

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One of the most eagerly awaited new enemies in Minecraft 1.19 is likely the Warden. He is a formidable, terrifying, and exclusive to the Deep Dark biome. However, there are still numerous game mechanics that players must comprehend regarding the Warden. This guide attempts to provide you with all the information you require on this new monster, from its weakness to the things it scatters when it dies.

The Warden


The Warden is the first hostile creature in Minecraft that is blind, and it is also the most potent. Even if you are wearing the best Netherite armor, it only needs two direct hits to kill you. Not only is this creature terrifying due to its strength, but the Warden’s demeanor is also frightening.

The Warden has an exposed heart on its chest and is bigger than an Iron Golem. Some people think that this glowing heart contains the souls of his adversaries. And you can hear his heart throbbing strongly when he reproduces.

Warden Abilities

Warden attacks

The Warden, the game’s first blind monster, locates its prey by using vibration, scent, and sound, as was already explained. The Warden will swiftly become enraged, turn on the noisemaker, and murder them if they cause too much commotion.

The Warden in Minecraft 1.19 is capable of the following:

  • Darkness: The Warden makes adjacent players shortsighted by using the effect “Darkness.” This effect can make you completely blind in dimly lit environments if you don’t have a potion of night vision available.
  • Melee Attack: The Warden like to use his hands as weapons (yes, he can throw hands). On easy difficulty, the Warden’s single strike deals 30 damage; on high difficulty, it deals 45.
  • The Warden emits a loud audio scream if it is unable to strike its target directly. On the worst difficulty, it deals 15 damage points, whereas on the easier difficulty, it deals 10 damage points. This strike also knocks you back several blocks when it hits.
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Where is the warden located?

In Minecraft, the Warden only appears in the Deep Dark biome, a brand-new cave biome that appears underneath the underworld. The Warden typically spawns in ruined cities inside this biome. The warden, however, does not organically appear in the world like other creatures do. Instead, you must cause it to show up.

How do I get the warden to show up?

The Warden must be called by activating a screamer sculk. There are a lot of Sculk Blocks like this one in ancient cities. The vibrations and sounds that surround this block cause it to become active. However, the guard does not show up right away. The howler first sounds two alerts. On the other hand, the Warden will show up if you shout three times in a row.

Note that the player, not the block, is being given this number of warnings. The Warden will still be summoned even if threesculk howlersdifferent are accidentally activated. Additionally, the Screamer’s appearance only functions if there are no other Wardens within 48 blocks of the block and the light level is lower than 11.

How do you take down the warden?

There is no simple way to defeat the Warden. Unless you’ve been in battle for years, you must have the best potions in Minecraft. Therefore, the following advice will help you overcome the Warden in Minecraft:

  • The Warden is unaffected by harm from fire, lava, and drowning. Even attacks from players or creatures don’t hurt him.
  • Player shields are disabled for 5 seconds by its melee attack.
  • On standard difficulty, it possesses 500 health, which surpasses the Ender Dragon and Wither’s health in both versions of Minecraft.
  • The Warden will attempt to sniff you if it cannot hear you or feel your vibrations.
  • The Warden does not target the thing who is nearest to it. Instead, he goes in search of the most eerie creature. Therefore, it might not work as intended if you want to bring in additional mobs to distract the Warden.
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How to flee and evade the warden

Here are some tips on how to avoid the Warden in Minecraft 1.19 if you don’t feel prepared to face it.

  • You can get away from the Warden by using Elytra. Although it won’t be simple with the impression of darkness applied, it is entirely feasible given the ancient cities’ vast open spaces.
  • Trap: The Warden can be trapped by breaking up to two blocks surrounding it if you are a quick miner and have a pickaxe with the enchantment “Efficiency V.” Before he fully spawns and is able to pursue you, you must do this action. Then you’ll have just enough time to flee.
  • You can attempt to sneak out of the Ancient City, despite the fact that it is terrifying. You can help yourself there by using the new enchantment Agility of Souls, which can be found in the city’s chests.
  • You can bring a number of monsters to the ancient city to occupy the warden while you flee. The warden targets people rather than other mobs, therefore this method only works 50% of the time.
  • Finally, if you’re feeling daring, you may try trapping the Warden with liquids like water or blocks like cobwebs. They are insufficient to kill or capture him. However, you’ll have enough time to get away.

What benefits do Wardens receive?

The warden drops five experience orbs and one Sculk’s Catalyst when slain by a player or a tamed wolf. This reward is not very useful because theSculk’s Catalystis has already created all throughout the Deep Dark biome. You can mine and take it if you don’t want to battle the Warden by using the enchantment Silk touch.

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Once acquired, you can make sculk features anywhere in the overworld using it. You only need to kill the nearby creatures that drop experience orbs.

How can the Warden be made to vanish?

warden digging

You can always wait if you can’t kill the Warden. Vibrations and movements are detectable by the Warden. Even vibrations from inanimate objects like missiles can be detected by him.

However, if the Warden remains “quiet” for 60 seconds without detecting any vibration, it will sink into the ground and vanish. However, if the arden is submerged in liquid, it does not dig itself out and eventually vanishes.

Ward FAQs

The Warden in Minecraft is uncommon.
The wardens’ home and source of origin, the Deep Dark biome, is just as prevalent as other cave biomes. So it’s not that difficult to find a Warden if you have enough time.

How long will the Warden live?
The Warden has a maximum health of 500, or 250 in-game hearts. The End Dragon’s average health is merely 200, while the Wither’s ranges from 300 to 450 dots.

How many XP points does the Warden award?
Only 5 experience points and a sculk catalyst block are awarded when a player or tamed wolf kills the warden.

What update does the Warden show up in?
The Warden was introduced to the world of Minecraft in update 1.19: The Wild Update. Despite the fact that it was initially intended for 1.17 and 1.18 releases.

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