Dark Bindings Mod 1.19.3-1.19.2: New Recipes for Old Items in the Game

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4.5/5 - (462 votes)

Despite its tiny size, Dark Bindings Mod offers a remarkably powerful suite of over 100 quality-of-life recipes for 1.19.3 and 1.19.2 players, many of which simply upgrade existing vanilla recipes in the game. They don’t require special supplies or intricate knowledge to craft them either – even the most inexperienced gamers can craft these recipes without needing any help! This mod has been carefully designed so that it won’t slow down your game as you play, preventing common issues associated with some other rigorous recipe mod suites. Even better, all of the new recipes are intuitively balanced and provide immense utility to their users – anyone looking for a simple and effective way to improve their vanilla experience should definitely consider trying out this fantastic Fabric mod!

Dark Bindings Mod

Dark Bindings Mod

How to install:

How to Use Forge to Install Minecraft Mods (Client Side)

How To Install The Fabric Mod Loader After Downloading It

The newest Minecraft Mods are available right now.


  • A simple custom recipe mod for Fabric featuring 100+ quality of life recipes to enhance your vanilla game.

Full Recipe List 

  • ancient_debris
  • arrow
  • arrow2
  • bell
  • black_dye
  • black_terracotta
  • blackstone
  • blue_ice
  • blue_terracotta
  • bone_rotten_flesh
  • bow1
  • bow2
  • brain_coral
  • brain_coral_block
  • brown_bed
  • brown_mushroom
  • brown_mushroom_block
  • brown_terracotta
  • bubble_coral
  • bubble_coral_block
  • calcite
  • chainmail_boots
  • chainmail_chestplate
  • chainmail_helmet
  • chainmail_leggings
  • chorus_flower
  • chorus_fruit
  • coal_ore
  • cod_rotten_flesh
  • copper_ingot
  • copper_ore
  • crafting_table
  • crimson_fungus
  • crimson_roots
  • crying_obsidian
  • cyan_terracotta
  • dead_bush
  • deepslate_coal_ore
  • deepslate_copper_ore
  • deepslate_diamond_ore
  • deepslate_emerald_ore
  • deepslate_gold_ore
  • deepslate_iron_ore
  • deepslate_lapis_ore
  • deepslate_redstone_ore
  • diamond
  • diamond_horse_armor
  • diamond_ore
  • dirt
  • dispenser_1
  • dragon_egg
  • dragon_head
  • emerald
  • emerald_ore
  • empty_terracotta
  • enchanted_golden_apple
  • end_portal_frame
  • end_stone
  • ender_eye
  • fire_coral
  • fire_coral_block
  • fishing_rod
  • flint
  • flint_and_steel
  • ghast_tear
  • gilded_blackstone
  • glow_lichen
  • gold_ingot
  • gold_ore
  • golden_horse_armor
  • grass_block
  • gravel1
  • gravel2
  • gray_terracotta
  • green_terracotta
  • horn_coral
  • horn_coral_block
  • iron_horse_armor
  • iron_ingot
  • iron_ore
  • lapis_ore
  • light_blue_terracotta
  • light_gray_terracotta
  • lime_terracotta
  • magenta_terracotta
  • mushroom_stem
  • nether_gold_ore
  • nether_quartz_ore
  • nether_wart_block
  • netherite_ingot
  • netherite_scrap
  • obsidian
  • orange_terracotta
  • pink_terracotta
  • pointed_dripstone
  • pufferfish_rotten_flesh
  • purple_terracotta
  • rabbit_hide
  • red_mushroom
  • red_mushroom_block
  • red_terracotta
  • redstone_ore
  • saddle
  • salmon_rotten_flesh
  • sand
  • sculk_sensor
  • smelt_carrot
  • smelt_diamond_block
  • smelt_red_sand
  • smelt_rotten_flesh
  • soul_sand
  • soul_soil
  • spider_eye_rotten_flesh
  • sponge
  • spore_blossom
  • stone_pickaxe
  • totem_of_undying
  • trident
  • tropical_fish_rotten_flesh
  • tube_coral
  • tube_coral_block
  • warped_fungus
  • warped_roots
  • warped_wart_block
  • white_terracotta
  • wither_skeleton_skull
  • yellow_terracotta
Related.  Air Hop Mod for Minecraft 1.19.2, 1.18.2: Jumping Multiple Times Is Now Possible!

Crafting Recipes:

Dark Bindings Mod

Dark Bindings ModDark Bindings Mod

Dark Bindings Mod

Dark Bindings Mod

Dark Bindings Mod Download Links:

For Minecraft 1.19.2

Fabric version: Download from Server

For Minecraft 1.19.3

Fabric version: Download from Server 


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Zozo is Gamer Minecrafter. Review Best Minecraft Mods, Minecraft mods review. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Modding Minecraft