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This Builder’s Delight Mod is a world of reskins, blocks and even a chisel! Builder’s Delight Mod adds around 700+ block reskins, decorational blocks & a chisel (yes it’s basically a redesign of the chisel mod). The Builder’s Delight Mod comes with all sorts of new decorative blocks to use in your worlds. There are many new blocks to choose from including slabs, bricks, walls made out of stone or wood. If you’re looking for some more variety in your Minecraft worlds then this mod is perfect. It also comes with an innovative tool called the Builder’s Chisel which lets you pick any block that you want on your screen and place it down wherever you please
How to install Download Builder’s Delight Mod for Minecraft?
Follows 5 Steps below to install Download Builder’s Delight Mod for Minecraft on Windows and Mac :
1. Download and install Minecraft Forge, you can read the instructions below the article.
2. Download the Builder’s Delight Mod for Minecraft.
3. Open the . minecraft folder and then enter the mods folder. Important: Some older versions of Forge may not have the ‘Open Mods Folder’ button. If this is the case, create the directory under the name mods.
Press the Windows key +R at the same time
Type %appdata% and press enter
Find folder Minecraft and then look for the Mods folder within that
Click on the desktop and then press Command+Shift+G all at the same time
Type ~/Library and press enter
Open the folder Application Support and then Minecraft.
4. From here, drag in the mods file downloaded (.jar or .zip) you wish to add.
5. Run Minecraft, and you should now see the new mod installed in the list!
Enjoy Download Builder’s Delight Mod for Minecraft, If there is an error, please comment on this article we will support.
- Connected textures
- Decoration (lanterns/chains in v.0.8, more in v.1.0)
- Adds a chisel that allows you to change the look of a block (same as the well known mod chisel)
- Allows you to craft back slabs to blocks
Blocks included
- Every Plank x7
- Every Plank Stairs x7
- Every Planks Slab x7
- Every Plank Type As Frame x8
- Every Plank Type As Glass x8
- Diorite, Stairs, Slabs x7
- Andesite, Stairs, Slabs x7
- Granite, Stairs, Slabs x7
- Bricks, Stairs, Slabs x7
- Stone Bricks, Stairs, Slabs x7
- Sandstone, Stairs, Slabs x6
- Deepslate, Stairs, Slabs x5
- Dripstone, Stairs, Slabs x8
- Amethyst, Stairs, Slabs x8
- Tuff, Stairs, Slabs x8
- Prismarine, Stairs, Slabs x6
- Factory Blocks, Flat Face Blocks x8
- Lanterns x3
- Chains x4
- Calcite, Stairs, Slabs x8
- Glass, Glass Panes x7
Crafting Recipes:
Builder’s Delight Mod Screenshots:
Builder’s Delight Mod 1.18.1 Download Links:
Minecraft Game version 1.18.1:
Author: Forstride