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Create a building of your dreams with LittleTiles Mod! Little Tiles Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2 is a Minecraft mod that allows you to freely place blocks in the open world, and it also adds many custom mini-blocks for you to build off of as well! Little Tiles has been created by CreativeMD author – the “father” of Ambient Sounds Mod – and as we all know, a single block in Minecraft consists of 4096 micro-blocks, but Little Tiles does not allow this size limit because each individual mini block becomes a standard block intentionally placed in the open world! Little Tiles mod comes with its own charm that lets players access this feature to create whatever they want from
With hammer, you can take any block and put it in the interface. Here, players easily set the size of the block that you want to create from the original block. Such as creating single lines of 16 mini blocks or blocks that fill 1 face, above or below the block. Even, LittleTiles Mod also allows creating 1x1x1 square blocks for projects that need high accuracy.
Besides, Minecraft LittleTiles Mod allows creating blocks to use for 16x16x16 sizes. There are countless different combinations when installing this Minecraft Mod and used in many cases. Micro-blocks are used to make tiny houses, custom blocks and even Pixel art.
The most important part of Little Tiles Mod is that you can unleash your creativity after making these micro blocks. Just Shift+right click on the block created with a hammer. It will become the standard item. This item is perfect in Creative Mode, where you create a custom block, break it up, and then arrange it as you like. With a rich imagination, you can do more with LittleTiles Mod.
How to install:
How to Use Forge to Install Minecraft Mods (Client Side)
How To Install The Fabric Mod Loader After Downloading It
The newest Minecraft Mods are available right now.
Little Hammer
The Little Hammer is the opposite of the Little Chisel. Instead of placing tiles, the hammer removes them.
Open the Little Hammer GUI by right clicking:
The top box is the selector that changes the function of the hammer. The bottom box is the size selector.
Cube – Cuts a fixed cube shape from a block or structure. The size of the cube can be changed in the bottom box.
Bar – Cuts a rectangular shape from the direction your cursor faces. The bar is always 16 tiles long (1 block) but the width is configurable.
Plane – Cuts a flat plane in the direction of your cursor. Length and width are 16 tiles, but the depth is configurable.
Dragbox – Cuts a cuboid where each dimension is drawn by the cursor. Left click to start a point, left click again at the desired position to delete tiles in the area of the ghost. The cuboid can also be configured to be hollow with the option to set the depth of the sides.
Dragsphere – Like the dragbox, but spherical. Left click to begin a point, left click again to complete the cut at the desired position. Can be configured to be hollow and set the depth of the walls.
Dragcylinder – Cuts a cylindrical shape. Can be configured to be hollow, set the depth of the walls, and the direction of the cylinder face in either X, Y, or Z ( East/West, Up/Down, North/South)
Dragwall – Cuts a wall from point to point. With the depth of the wall and its direction being configurable.
Dragline – Cuts a single tile thick line from point to point.
Dragslice – Cuts a diagonal slice from point to point.
Little Tiles Mod Screenshots:
Little Tiles Mod [1.12.2/1.11.2] Download Links:
Minecraft Game version 1.7.10:
Minecraft Game version 1.10.2:
Minecraft Game version 1.11.2:
Minecraft Game version 1.12.1/1.12:
Minecraft Game version 1.12.2: