Guns Without Roses Mod 1.18.1, 1.16.5 Adds Powerful Guns to Minecraft for a More Engaging Gameplay

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4.9/5 - (918 votes)

Guns Without Roses Mod 1.18.1, 1.16.5 is a mod that implements a multitude of new and powerful guns into the game, which is simplified to fit the overall game atmosphere. A contentious issue with various trends nowadays is that whether a Mod, which allows players to shoot projectiles, will be balanced and fair for a game such as Minecraft. While sometimes, I agree that a bow or an upgraded bow mod would be more than enough for the game, Guns Without Roses offers something different that can really change up the gameplay.

Guns Without Roses Mod

How to install Guns Without Roses Mod?

Download and install Minecraft Forge first, then download this Guns Without Roses Mod file.

Go to %appdata%. It can also be found by searching for “%appdata%” in your start menu.

Open folder /.minecraft/mods.

Then drag and drop the downloaded .jar (or .zip) file into it. Last but not least,

launch Minecraft with the mod installed, and have fun!

How to Use Guns Without Roses Mod?

With Guns Without Roses Mod installed, you can now craft a wide variety of guns that are all unique and completely different from one another. Most of these guns have been inspired by real life firearms or other games such as Counter Strike or Team Fortress 2 , while others are entirely original creations that fit the game’s atmosphere perfectly. What do you think about Guns Without Roses Mod? Leave your comments below!


-New Guns:

Guns Without Roses Mod has introduced a bunch of new guns for you to use. All of these guns have been carefully thought out and are all unique in their own ways. They are all balanced and are not overpowered, so you don’t need to worry about them being OP. The list below is just a small sample of the many new guns that Guns Without Roses Mod has to offer:

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-New Ammo Types:

The mod also introduces two new ammo types that can be used with these new guns: Incendiary Ammo and Explosive Ammo. These ammo types will burn or explode on impact, depending on the type of gun that it is used with. The amount of damage done by these ammo types varies depending on the gun as well. Sometimes a high powered gun can inflict more damage than a low-damage gun when fired at the same time, so be careful!

-New Weapons:

The mod also introduces some brand new weapons for you to use. These weapons are very fun to use and will have you shooting at the enemies like a pro. The list below is just a small sample of the many new weapons that Guns Without Roses Mod has to offer:

-New Melee Weapons:

The mod also introduces some brand new melee weapons for you to use. These melee weapons are very fun to use and will have you hacking and slashing away at your enemies like a pro. The list below is just a small sample of the many new melee weapons that Guns Without Roses Mod has to offer:

-New Air Weapons:

The mod also introduces some brand new air weapons for you to use. These air weapons are very fun to use and will have you shooting down your enemies from above with ease. The list below is just a small sample of the many new air weapons that Guns Without Roses Mod has to offer:

-New Environment Damage:

The mod also introduces some brand new environment damage effects for you to use. These environment damage effects are very fun to use and will have you causing havoc in the environment. The list below is just a small sample of the many new environment damage effects that Guns Without Roses Mod has to offer:

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-New Particles:

The mod also introduces some brand new particle effects for you to use. These particle effects are very fun to use and will have you shooting fireballs at your enemies like a pro. The list below is just a small sample of the many new particle effects that Guns Without Roses Mod has to offer:

-New Sound Effects:

The mod also introduces some brand new sound effects for you to use. These sound effects are very fun to use and will have you shooting fireballs at your enemies like a pro. The list below is just a small sample of the many new sound effects that Guns Without Roses Mod has to offer:

-New Weapon Sounds:

The mod also introduces some brand new weapon sounds for you to use. These weapon sounds are very fun


Guns Without Roses Mod Guns Without Roses Mod Guns Without Roses Mod Guns Without Roses Mod Guns Without Roses Mod

 Guns Without Roses Mod 1.18.1, 1.16.5 Download Links:

Minecraft Game version 1.16.1:download


Minecraft Game version 1.16.2:download


Minecraft Game version 1.16.3:download


Minecraft Game version 1.16.4:download


Minecraft Game version 1.16.5:download


Minecraft Game version 1.18:download


Minecraft Game version 1.18.1:download



Q: What is the minimum version of the game I need to run Guns Without Roses Mod?

A: To run Guns Without Roses Mod you will need to have at least version 1.0 of the game installed.

Q: Can I play this mod if my saved games are from a previous version of Guns Without Roses?

A: Yes, you can play this mod if your saved games are from a previous version of Guns Without Roses.

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Q: How do I install this mod?

A: The download link for the files with which you will be installing the mod is located below in the downloads section. The file must be dropped into your mods folder in order for it to work correctly. The location where you place your mods can be found by opening up My Documents/My Games/GunsWithoutRoses and then going into your mods folder. Once you have placed the file there, simply make sure that it is enabled by right-clicking on it and selecting

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Zozo is Gamer Minecrafter. Review Best Minecraft Mods, Minecraft mods review. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Modding Minecraft