Chocapic13 Shaders Mod 1.19.2, 1.18.2 (Very Special Shader)

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As you know the original Minecraft has quite normal graphics, if not quite bad, and it looks like a game for children. And to meet the increasing aesthetic demands of the Miner community, more and more beautiful and quality shaders were born.

Chocapic13 Shaders Mod is Minecraft Mod, significantly improved graphics for the Minecraft survival game. In this article, we will focus on the features of the Chocapic13 Shaders Mod and the experiences of playing Minecraft with this mod.

Chocapic13 Shaders Mod

Shaders 1.19 by Chocapic13 was developed in February 2014. Choca 13, a bright developer who has previously succeeded in producing some worthwhile products for the Minecraft community, is the mind behind its creation. You might find it interesting to hear that more than 1.4 million players have downloaded and installed it since its debut. This is because it was made to drastically improve the game’s graphics, a task about which users have been grumbling. So, if you’ve never known what it means to enhance Minecraft’s visual appeal, consider downloading and installing this shader pack. It has the capacity to make your world go from being nothing to something very remarkable.

Chocapic13’s Shaders are unique in several ways, including the fact that despite being lightweight, they may nevertheless enhance the gaming experience. Utilizing this mod, even the most basic level of customisation can result in a respectable quality. This means that even if your PC has weak specs and a weak graphic processor, this patch can still work. That is to say, it has the power to continue to transform your reality. The finest thing is that its top preset ranges from 80 to 100 frames per second. So if you’ve been looking for a shader pack that typically provides high-end images, this one checks all the necessary boxes. Chocapic13’s Shaders has accomplished this when you want to talk about a shader pack that raises the bar and sets the bar. Its enormous popularity among Minecraft players may be due in part to how simple it is to utilize for the greatest outcomes. Again, it can be concluded that Choca 13 has worked hard to make his shader pack stand out from the competition.

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The features of the Chocapic13 Shaders Mod

Chocapic13 Shaders Mod is a graphical upgrade mod that makes the images in the Minecraft game more beautiful. To get this, you must use 3 special features of the Chocapic13 Shaders Mod.

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Parallax Occlusion Mapping

Parallax occlusion mapping (POM) is an enhancement of the parallax mapping technique. Parallax occlusion mapping is used to procedurally create 3D definition in textured surfaces, using a displacement map (similar to a topography map) instead of through the generation of new geometry.[1] This allows developers of 3D rendering applications to add 3D complexity in textures, which correctly change relative to perspective and with self occlusion in real time (self-shadowing is additionally possible), without sacrificing the processor cycles required to create the same effect with geometry calculations. This feature provides additional support for the block and the reflection effect of the water surface.


Bump mapping is a texture mapping technique in computer graphics for simulating bumps and wrinkles on the surface of an object. This is achieved by perturbing the surface normals of the object and using the perturbed normal during lighting calculations. The result is an apparently bumpy surface rather than a smooth surface although the surface of the underlying object is not changed. This is a simple, economical method to add a reflection, support effect.


With the increasing aesthetic demand, shaders pack authenticity is an issue that is concerned as much by modders as possible because for users, the impression of a shaders mod “shimmering or” “ perfect” is the most important thing. Classic is a special feature that will make your machine “struggle” and render at tortoise speed, but the results it brings can be said to be beyond imagination. Despite the impressive set of lighting, shadow and water shadow effects, this feature does not make much of a difference when shooting in places with low light sources, low light contrast, resulting in poor colors pale and unremarkable.

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The experiences when playing

Chocapic13 Shaders Mod helps to make the game world smooth and smooth, and the player feels like immersed in a beautiful and real open space. There you will see the scenery of a dark night shrouded by trees and the moon shining. The shadow effect is effectively used in real time, creating a more natural light, reflecting the silhouette of trees and water surface like in real life. Even when it rains, the ground will be wet and reflect the water’s light.


Optifine Settings:

  • Old Lighting : OFF or DEFAULT!
  • Vignette : Fast
  • Clear water : Off for Lite/Low/Medium, On for High/Ultra/Extreme
  • Smooth Lighting Level : 55-75% for Lite/Low/Medium/High, 0-20% for Ultra/Extreme
  • Clouds : Default or OFF

About performance and sytem requirements:

This mod is very demanding and if you can’t run default minecraft correctly, don’t try to install this mod.
In my case with a GTX 670 i get around 50-60 fps with the extreme version, 75-80 with ultra,90-95 with high, 100-110 with medium and above 150 with low (cpu limited here) with a 16 chunks render distance. This can change a lot depending on the situation.

Advanced tips:

  • Into the shaderpack folders there are .fsh and .vsh files. You can open them with any text editor, and there are different constant that you can change by yourself.
  • You can increase the render resolution into the shaderpack settings. x1.42… correspond to SSAA x2, x2.0 to SSAA x4. However it kills the framerate.
  • Shadow render resolution can be increased too here.

Hopefully this article will help you better understand the Chocapic13 Shaders Mod and have a pleasant experience playing this mod.

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Video Preview:

How to install Chocapic13?

  • Download and run the version of Minecraft Forge , Optifine HD and GLSL Shaders Mod.
  • Locate the minecraft application folder.
    • On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run.
    • On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
  • Download the chocapic13 mod
  • Move the downloaded Jar (zip) file into the “mods” folder
  • Launch Minecraft and Enjoy the mod.

Video tutorial download and install :

Minecraft Forge (Modding API) Installation Guide

5 steps to successfully install Forge Minecraft

1. Access and Download select Minecraft forge version, then download the installer.

2. Requires installing Java on a computer. Open the .jar file you just downloaded, make sure ‘Install Client’ is selected, and click the OK button.

3. Run Minecraft and select the Forge profile, then click Play.

4. Select the Minecraft Forge menu on the left and the Mods button below Multiplayer.

5. Successfully, you can enjoy the mod just installed.

Chocapic13 Shaders Mod 1.19.2, 1.18.2 Download Links:

Chocapic13′ High Performance Shaders Version:

For All Versions from Minecraft 1.12.2 to Minecraft 1.19.2, 1.19:

Low version: Download from Server 

Toaster version: Download from Server 

Minecraft Game version 1.7.10/1.7.2/1.8

Link Download :



Download from Server

For All Minecraft Versions v6:

Extreme version:


Ultra version:


High version:


Medium version:


Lite version:


Low version:


For All Minecraft Versions v7.1.1:

Toaster Edition Version:


Extreme version:


Ultra version:


High version:


Medium version:


Lite version:


Low version:

Download from link 1 – Download from link 2

v9.1 for All Minecraft Versions from 1.12.2 to 1.16.4:

Download Link : download

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About Author

Wminecraft is an Minecraft player and Mod review. She's working on Minecraft for the past 8 years and wanted to share the news related to this game.