MineMenu Mod 1.18.2, 1.17.1: The One Stop Solution for Hassle-Free Keybinding and Command Management

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If you’re looking for a mod that will make keybinding and command management easier, MineMenu Mod is the perfect solution. This mod supports key bindings, commands, and creative functions, making it easy to access all of the features you need with just one click. With MineMenu Mod, you’ll never have to worry about conflicting keybindings again!

MineMenu Mod

How to install MineMenu Mod for Minecraft?

Follows 5 Steps below to install MineMenu Mod for Minecraft on Windows and Mac :

1. Download and install Minecraft Forge, you can read the instructions below the article.

2. Download the MineMenu Mod.

3. Open the . minecraft folder and then enter the mods folder. Important: Some older versions of Forge may not have the ‘Open Mods Folder’ button. If this is the case, create the directory under the name mods.


Press the Windows key +R at the same time
Type %appdata% and press enter
Find folder Minecraft and then look for the Mods folder within that

Click on the desktop and then press Command+Shift+G all at the same time
Type ~/Library and press enter
Open the folder Application Support and then Minecraft.
4. From here, drag in the mods file downloaded (.jar or .zip) you wish to add.

5. Run Minecraft, and you should now see the new mod installed in the list!

Overview of MineMenu Mod

This Minecraft Mod supports key binding, commands, and innovative features, helping you build the magic block world quickly and save time.

When playing the original Minecraft game, players encounter many inconveniences due to duplicate shortcuts and conflicting binding keys. Sometimes, you have to work very hard to find the right shortcut for the functions in the mod. But with MineMenu Mod, everything becomes much more straightforward. The mod provides up to 10 shortcuts for the tasks you want to access quickly. There is even the ability to create sub-menus to expand the options.
Minecraft is famous as a creative sandbox game; in that world, you have many things to do, such as adventure exploring, building houses, farming, mining, fighting mobs, and every job requiring commands. The shortcuts in the original game are pretty limited and unscientific arranged, so you need MineMenu Mod to own up to 10 intuitive shortcuts on the screen. Fast, convenient, and accurate operation is the key to achieving many achievements in MineMenu Mod.

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MineMenu Mod MineMenu Mod

MineMenu Mod 1.18.2, 1.17.1 Download Links:

Minecraft Game version 1.7.10:download


Minecraft Game version 1.8.9:download


Minecraft Game version 1.9.0:download


Minecraft Game version 1.9.4:download


Minecraft Game version 1.10.2:download


Minecraft Game version 1.11.2/1.11:download


Minecraft Game version 1.12.1/1.12:download


Minecraft Game version 1.12.2:download


Minecraft Game version 1.13.2:download


Minecraft Game version 1.14.3/1.14.2:download


Minecraft Game version 1.14.4:download


Minecraft Game version 1.15.1:download


Minecraft Game version 1.15.2:download


Minecraft Game version 1.16.1:download


Minecraft Game version 1.16.2:download


Minecraft Game version 1.16.3:download


Minecraft Game version 1.16.4:download


Minecraft Game version 1.16.5:download


Minecraft Game version 1.17.1:download


Minecraft Game version 1.18download:


Minecraft Game version 1.18.1:download


Minecraft Game version 1.18.2:download


Q: Where do I install MineMenu Mod?

A: You can download the latest version of MineMenu Mod from the official website.

Q: Is it required that I have a mod manager?

A: Yes, you will need a mod manager to install this mod. If you don’t have one, then use Minecraft Forge. If you still don’t have one, then just download and install Minecraft Forge. Just follow the instructions on the site and it will work fine.

Q: How do I install a mod with Forge?

A: First, you will need to download Minecraft Forge. Once you have downloaded and installed Minecraft Forge, simply copy the entire mods folder into your Minecraft installation directory. Then, start up Minecraft and enjoy the mod in-game!

How To Download and Install Minecraft Forge (Modding API)?

Minecraft Forge is a free, open-source server that allows players to install and run Minecraft mods. 4 steps to install forge for windows, mac, Linux

1. Download Minecraft Forge at the website, select the version of Minecraft you want to run, then download the installer using your browser.

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2. Open the .jar file you just downloaded (Run installer as Administrator), make sure Java is installed on your operating system

3. Select Install Client or Install Server if you want to install for your server, and click OK. Wait about 2 minutes, and you will see a success message.

4. Launch Minecraft and select the Forge profile, then click Play.

5. You will see Minecraft Forge in the lower-left corner and the Mods button under Multiplayer.

Congratulations on successfully installing Minecraft Forge and experimenting with MineMenu Mod for Minecraft downloaded.
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Zozo is Gamer Minecrafter. Review Best Minecraft Mods, Minecraft mods review. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Modding Minecraft