Dramatic Doors Mod for Minecraft 1.19.4, 1.18.2 and 1.14.4 – Add Elegance and Intrigue to Your Minecraft World

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4.3/5 - (215 votes)

Tired of doors that barely fit your player or suffocate you when you ride your horse through them? Fed up with Enderman discrimination? Yearning for the tender grace, elegance, and drama of a nice tall door? The Dramatic Doors Mod (1.19.4, 1.18.2 and 1.14.4) is here to revolutionize your Minecraft experience!

With the ability to create three-block high doors for any material, this mod takes your in-game aesthetics to new heights. Say goodbye to the limitations of the past and embrace the sophistication of the Dramatic Doors Mod.


  1. 3-block tall doors: Craft elegant and intriguing tall doors using 3 of the regular-sized doors. These towering doors come in every vanilla variety – Oak, Spruce, Birch, Acacia, Dark Oak, Jungle, Iron, and with 1.16+ versions and above, Crimson and Warped! The 1.19+ version also introduces Mangrove!
  2. Compatibility with popular mods: Dramatic Doors Mod supports various mods that add doors, including Biomes o’ Plenty, Twilight Forest, Macaw’s Doors, and many more! This mod enables over 500 tall door options in total.
  3. Waterlogging for doors and fence gates: An optional feature that can be turned off if it conflicts with other mods.
  4. Witches can now open doors: Fixing the strange inconsistency that has persisted since their release.
  5. Mobs that can open doors can also open tall doors: Villagers, Piglins, and Witches can now interact with your elegant tall doors.
  6. Available on Forge and Fabric: The Fabric version of Dramatic Doors will also work on Quilt.

To craft these stylish and functional tall doors, simply place three equal doors vertically in a crafting table. This will give you two large doors that can be used to create double doors, regardless of the door material.

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Install – Dramatic Doors Mod for Minecraft

  • Install Minecraft Forge or Fabric/Quilt
  • Download the Dramatic Doors Mod
  • Locate your Minecraft mods folder
  • Place the downloaded mod file in the mods folder
  • Launch Minecraft
  • Now you have the ability to tailor the doors according to your needs.

Dramatic Doors Mod for Minecraft – Download

1.14.4 1.15.2 1.16.5 1.17.1 1.18.1 1.18.2 1.19 1.19.2 1.19.3 1.19.3 Fabric 1.19.4
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Zozo is Gamer Minecrafter. Review Best Minecraft Mods, Minecraft mods review. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Modding Minecraft