How to Createibiome Particle Weather with Biome Particle Weather Mod 1.18.1

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4.2/5 - (643 votes)

If you’re tired of the way minecraft’s weather looks, try Biome Particle Weather. This simple guide will show you how to make your own particle weather with PARTICULATE ZIP and COLLIDAVERIC ACID.

Biome Particle Weather Mod


  • It adds new weathers and particle effects to the game.
  • A new weather system has been added: Snow Storms!

– New particles have been added for snow storms and rain. – The particles for rain have been tweaked so they are much more realistic now. – The particles for snow storm clouds have been tweaked so they look more like real clouds instead of just being black dots on the ground. – There is now an option in the config file for how long the particles should stay visible after they’ve disappeared from the world. This allows you to control how long they will stay visible after they’ve disappeared from the world instead of being immediately removed

How to install Biome Particle Weather Mod?

Download and install Minecraft Forge.

Download and install Particle Configurator.

Go to %appdata%.

Go to .minecraft/mods folder.

Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it. Locate the mods folder and drag all the files inside it into folder mods.

That’s it, enjoy the mod. DOWNLOAD LINKS: Biome Particle Weather Mod 1.18.1 …

Biome Particle Weather Mod Screenshots:

Biome Particle Weather Mod-1

Biome Particle Weather Mod-2

Biome Particle Weather Mod-3

Biome Particle Weather Mod-4

Biome Particle Weather Mod-5

Biome Particle Weather Mod-6


Biome Particle Weather Mod  1.18.1 Download Links:

Minecraft Game version 1.18.1:download


Author: shadowmaster404

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Is this mod compatible with other mods such as Biome Particle Rain?

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A: This mod should be compatible with other mods, but you should always make sure to check the configuration file for any mods that may conflict with this one.

Q: I have downloaded and installed the mod, however my game crashes. What do I do?

A: Unfortunately there is no simple answer to this question. It could be a number of different things, such as a bad mod installation, a bad config file or even a bad computer/internet connection/etc. It is best to always report your issue on the official Forge forum thread at Minecraft Forum.

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Zozo is Gamer Minecrafter. Review Best Minecraft Mods, Minecraft mods review. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Modding Minecraft