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If you’re looking for a more interesting and spookier gameplay experience, Whisperwoods Mod is the perfect mod for you! This mod adds in multiple creatures that are sure to make your game more exciting. Whether you’re exploring the Whisperwoods or simply fighting off the new monsters, this mod is sure to add a new level of excitement to your Minecraft world.
How to install Whisperwoods Mod?
First, download and install the recommended Minecraft Forge for your Minecraft version.
Then, download the latest mod version for your Minecraft version.
Finally, open your minecraft folder (in Windows: Start -> Run -> “~/Documents/minecraft”). Paste the mod file you downloaded into the “mods” folder found inside the .minecraft folder.
New Bosses: There are new bosses in the Whisperwoods. They are all stronger than the Ender Dragon and will require a team to take down.
Whisperwoods Mod creenshots:
Moths are harmless and rather stupid flying insects. They spawn at night, especially in forests. They are attracted to light sources, even harmful ones like fire. However, they can clutter up torches and break them.
The Hidebehind is a fearsome critter believed to be responsible for the disappearances of woodsmen and other forest travelers. It stalks its prey silently, and will duck behind trees and seem to melt into them if spotted, but gradually move towards its quarry. However, its vibrant eyes can give it away, and its eyes are sensitive to light and it will try to avoid bright lights. If it manages to reach its prey, it will consume them in a few violent bites, leaving no remains…
Wisps are strange gaseous spirits found in forests and swamps. They often flit around aimlessly, and tend to vanish if approached. However, a few Wisps can rip the soul from a person, and try to burn it up as fuel for its fire. If this happens, it can only mean certain death, unless the Wisp is killed in time and releases the soul. When a Wisp is killed, it may drop a Ghost Light, which can be placed as a light source.
Ghost Lights
Ghost Lights are wisp-like lighting that can be placed anywhere, producing a colorful flame and a moderate amount of light.
Wisp Lanterns
Wisp lanterns are crafted by putting iron nuggets around a ghost light.
The Hirschgeist is a mini-boss spirit of the forest with powerful flame attacks that can summon wisps to fight for it.
Hirschgeist Skull
An item dropped upon the death of a Hirschgeist. It wards off dangerous spirits. It can also be placed down as decoration.
Hand of Fate
An occult artifact used to summon spectral beings from the Otherworld. It can be lit with ghost lights or blaze powder as part of the wisp recipe (press SHIFT while viewing its tooltip to get recipe information)
A vampiric beast found in caves and at night in the jungle.
Whisperwoods Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 Download Links:
Minecraft Game version 1.14.4:
Minecraft Game version 1.15.2:
Minecraft Game version 1.16.5:
Q: How to unlock new bosses?
A: You need to find their spawners in the world. They’re all hidden in hard-to-reach places, so be sure to explore!
Q: How to defeat new bosses?
A: They’re all stronger than the Ender Dragon, so bring a team. You can try to take them down by yourself, but you’ll die.
Q: Where are the new bosses?
A: They’re all in the Whisperwoods. There’s even a mini-boss that you’ll need to defeat before you can fight the final boss.
Q: Is this mod compatible with [other mods]?
A: It should be compatible with most mods. However, if you find any problems, please contact me and I’ll fix it as soon as possible!