MineColony Mod 1.19.2, 1.18.2 for Minecraft: Crafting and village management

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4.6/5 - (516 votes)

This MineColony Mod 1.19.2, 1.18.2 for Minecraft is a mod programmed to use in both Survival Single Player and Survival Multiplayer. It allows the players to build and create the villages, lands on the favors of the players. It also allows them to control and lead their colony with their territory; they can notify right people, drive Non-Player Characters (NPC) work some harvesting tasks develop country . MineColony Minecolony MineColony Minecolony Minecolony!

MineColony Mod

MineColonies is a fantastic new tool for optimizing and customizing your Minecraft communities. It enables you to assign roles and create hierarchies within the community so that it functions as a complete civilisation. The primary employee who initiates everything is the builder. Right in front of you, he will begin erecting the various structures, starting with the Town Center. While he constructs, it’s a good idea to keep foraging because he occasionally requests equipment and materials. Simply add items to the builder’s inventory or his inventory as needed.
The mine, farm, bakery, sawmill, and any other structures you see necessary to make your colony functioning will next follow. There will be employees to handle each of these structures in addition to them.
The workers’ skills gradually advance as they work more, and the structures themselves can be updated over time.
In the event that the structures are damaged, you also have the choice to restore them to their original condition. As soon as the builder is available, he needs to begin the repairs.
Of course, you’ll need to provide shelter for your citizens, therefore the Citizen’s Hut needs to be built in order to protect them.
If you keep bringing in tools and essential supplies, your town will soon be thriving with residents cooperating to bring you goods, gather food, and generally operate as a self-sufficient hamlet.

Installing MineColonies Mod on your original Minecraft Launcher

  • This process is for installing only the MineColonies mod in your original Minecraft launcher. You will not be able to connect to the MineColonies Official Servers due to the servers having a balanced variety of other mods as well.
  • For connecting to the official server, install GDLauncher or the Curseforge Launcher. You can visit the CurseForge site for a zip file containing all mods (with the correct versions) we are currently using on the official server, as well as all the appropriate configs, scripts, and the server.dat file for our modpack official server. If all these additional mods, configs, scripts, and the server.dat are downloaded and installed manually, you will be able to connect to our official server.
  • Installation of the MineColonies mod is very simple. It does require Minecraft Forge to be able to integrate mods into the Minecraft game, though.
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We cannot offer support on the installation of Minecraft Forge, however, there are many excellent (and more in-depth) tutorials online. Just Google ‘how to install minecraft forge’ to find some.

The limit is your imagination!

How many people can say they’ve drawn an F1 car? Well, if your answer is yes then this tutorial for kids and adults will teach you how. MineColonies features NPCs such as Builders, Farmers Fishers Foresters Guards Miners Smelters Bakers Cooks Couriers five types of animal herders Composter even more being developed Added all throughout with specialization buildings too like Warehouse House Town Hall Barracks Library University School!

Getting Started

Quick Walkthrough

Before you get started on your new colony, you should find your perfect location. You need a large enough area for a full city-at least 8×8 chunks, and decently flat.

You should also gather as many resources as you can-wood, as well as cobble, coal, iron, flowers, string, leather, wool, saplings, and food.

Step 1: Supply Camp/Supply Ship

Once you have chosen a location for your colony, you must place a Supply Ship or Supply Camp. You can only place one of these per world. The Supply Camp/Ship gives you the Town Hall block you need to officially start your colony. They also have some other supplies you may need during the building of your colony. Once you have the Town Hall block and the build tool, the remaining camp/ship is just decoration. You can leave it or tear it down.

Step 2: Town Hall

The Town Hall block is what actually creates the colony. It also functions as the center of it. This is where you start using the build tool to place buildings. Using the build tool ensures you can see exactly where the building will be, which direction it will face, and if it is at the right Y level (some buildings need to be raised to the correct Y level).

Once the Town Hall block is placed, you will start receiving your initial 4 citizens.

Step 3: Builder

Before anything can be built, you need a Builder. The Builder must build their own Builder’s Hut before building any other huts, and they cannot build or upgrade a hut to a higher level than their own hut level.

Step 4: Tavern

Your colonists will need a place to sleep and a house, so it is recommended to build a Tavern next. The Tavern also allows visitors to come to your colony, and you can recruit them to stay as citizens.

Step 5: Food

The next major thing you need for your colony is food. The fastest way to get food is to build a Fisher’s Hut. You could build a Farm or one of the animal herders, but a Fisher is faster. Building a Restaurant may also be advisable if you don’t want to feed your colonists (or cook their food) by hand.

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Step 6: Forester

If your style is wood, it’s recommended to build a Forester’s Hut next. That way your new Forester can start gathering wood for your next builds and for tools and other items.

Step 7: Miner

Stone and ores are another major need for any colony, so a Mine is the next logical step.

Step 8: Warehouse and courier

At this point, you might be tired of bringing all of the resources to the Builder and taking them from the Fisher, Forester, Miner, etc. You also might want to store items in one place. Well, the Warehouse and Courier’s Hut are the solution you are looking for! Couriers transport items between the Warehouse and all of the workplaces.

Step 9: Rest of the Colony

This is where you need to decide what you need next, based on how you play and what your colony needs. But you have several things to look at. Once you get seven citizens you can get attacked by raiders and you may want to build a Guard Tower, or you may get a sick citizen and want to build a Hospital, or you may decide you want a Sawmill to make the needed items for a worker. Or you may just want to have a specific worker, or you found a great place for a certain hut. You decide how your colony will grow!

Here are the purposes of the hints:

You can move the 3D structure you are viewing with the blue arrows (front – back – right – left).

On the Y axis, you can shift the structure up or down by using the orange minus and plus signs.

The building can be rotated left or right using the orange curving arrows.

The image is reflected by the orange triangles in the center (to change from right to left and from left to right).

When you are finished and want to commit to placing it, a green checkmark appears.

To stop the entire procedure and turn off the building image, press the red X.

When the structure is prepared to be placed, click the green checkmark, and the construct will instantly appear along with a build request! If it’s a custom decoration or blueprint, a build request will be generated automatically; but, if it’s a hut, you must go to the hut block GUI, click the Build Options button, then choose Build building, to generate a request for construction.

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MineColony Mod creenshots:






Under Construction



The Baker following his daily routine.


Lumberjack getting some work done


Just to provide food for the colony


Beautiful view over the colony


Stocking up


Protecting the colony


A place where you stock your resources


Build build build


Manage your colony!


Build up your settlement


Providing fishes for everyone (and sometimes some rare loot)


Jobless citizen hanging out in a park decoration


The protector in action

Agile as ever

Kill em all

Ends up winning


A place to live

So many styles to choose


Bringing back some goodies


Busy as always


A new start


A new start


In the fabulous mesa style


Beautiful mesa town

MineColony Mod 1.19.2/1.18.2 Download Links:+

Minecraft Game version 1.10.2:download


Minecraft Game version 1.11:download


Minecraft Game version 1.11.2:download


Minecraft Game version 1.12:download


Minecraft Game version 1.12.2:download


Minecraft Game version 1.14.4:download


Minecraft Game version 1.15.2:download


Minecraft Game version 1.16.1:download


Minecraft Game version 1.16.3:download


Minecraft Game version 1.16.4:download


Minecraft Game version 1.16.5:download


Minecraft Game version 1.17.1:download


Minecraft Game version 1.18.2:download


Minecraft Game version 1.19.2:download

How To Download and Install Minecraft Forge (Modding API)?

Minecraft Forge is a free, open-source server that allows players to install and run Minecraft mods. 4 steps to install forge for windows, mac, Linux

1. Download Minecraft Forge at the website, select the version of Minecraft you want to run, then download the installer using your browser.

2. Open the .jar file you just downloaded (Run installer as Administrator), make sure Java is installed on your operating system

3. Select Install Client or Install Server if you want to install for your server, and click OK. Wait about 2 minutes, and you will see a success message.

4. Launch Minecraft and select the Forge profile, then click Play.

5. You will see Minecraft Forge in the lower-left corner and the Mods button under Multiplayer.

Congratulations on successfully installing Minecraft Forge and experimenting with MineColony Mod for Minecraft downloaded.
If there are errors, please comment on this article.


Describe Minecolonies.
With the help of the mod Minecolonies, you may totally design and run your own city in Minecraft. It enhances Minecraft with several structures and staff.

What variation of Minecraft Minecolonies does it support?
The mod is currently compatible with the following versions of Minecraft: 1.10.2, 1.12.2, 1.14.4, 1.15.2, 1.16.5, 1.17.1, 1.18.2, and 1.19.

How are Minecolonies installed?
Drag the downloaded Minecolonies file into your mods folder after installing the proper version of Forge (similar to Minecraft).

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Zozo is Gamer Minecrafter. Review Best Minecraft Mods, Minecraft mods review. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Modding Minecraft